Chapter 46

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Aliyah's POV

Cameron? That kid I ran into when I first moved to Arizona. I hope not. Harry didn't seem to like him so why should I? God, what am I thinking I can just be friends with Cameron right? Harry won't have to know he won't ever see me again and I'll never see him. I swallow the lump and my throat and run upstairs to the bathroom and lock myself in there. I miss him. I can't keep doing this. Pretending to be dead to someone you love is terrible. I'm not living this way. I slide my back against the door pulling my knees to my chest letting out the cries that I have been holding in the day I left the hospital. The day I talked to Niall for the first time. Everything I wanted to say has washed away I can barely speak. No matter how hard I try the words won't come out.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Niall's number.

"Aliyah?" I choke on my words before I can answer.

"Are you okay?" He's says into the speaker.

"Niall, please help me!" I say quietly yet some how terrified.

"I don't know how...I can't Aliyah I'm sorry Where are you?" I keep trying to breath in the air around me, but it is all smokey.

"Please! I'm at a party!" I yelp. If this is the only way to get Harry back I will, but if he doesn't let Harry talk to me I am really going to die. I'm willing to take the risk though. What have I got to loose?

"I would but you know that only Harry can." He says quietly. Exactly Niall, exactly. I don't even answer I can't I cry even harder. I hear the line go dead. The door handle jiggles.

"Aliyah. Are you okay?" Claudia's voice says from behind the door. I don't respond.

"Please open the door!" I reach my hand up to unlock it and scoot away from it. He hands go straight to her mouth when she realizes I can't breath. Everyone else is standing behind her.

"Someone help her!" Kali yells. Dallas pushes his way through the crowd of people over to me.

"What do I do?" He asks, frantically.

"Take her to the hospital!" Kali shouts. Like that will help, I think to myself. He picks me up bridal style. Everyone in the living room stops and stares at me. How I have survived this journey I have no idea. How did I get here?

As we are walking out of the house someone screams, Dallas turns around, me still in his arms. What's going on?

"Oh my god it's Niall Horan!" I hear Claudia yell. Niall?

"Uh yeah hi..where's Aliyah?" How did he know where to find me? All I told him was that I was at a party.

Niall soon finds his way to me. "I got her he says." Dallas hands me to Niall. I wrap my arms around him as he try's to push his was through the crowd of people to get out of the house.

When he finally reaches the door he barges through it and to his car. Liam is in the drivers seat and Niall sits in the back with me, laying me over him.

"Where do you want me to go?" Liam asks Niall.

"I don't know, we have to have Harry see her. It's the only way to make sure she doesn't really die." Niall says. My heart stops when I hear Niall say Harry's name.

"No! Niall I'm not going to do that to him! He's going to hate us for this and you know it we've known that this would happen and they would have to see each other again." Liam is almost yelling now. They knew I would do this. That this would happen again. But how? I have been fine for three months maybe more. No nightmares, nothing. I was Aliyah again. The Aliyah I was before I met Harry.

"We can't just let her die Liam!" Liam turns the car around. Niall wraps his arms around me to get me to stop shaking.

"Your gonna okay Aliyah, I promise. We will get to Harry soon." He whispers to me. We shouldn't be doing this. I shouldn't be doing this. I can't go see Harry. He thinks I'm dead. What if he has a new girlfriend by now. But the worst thing that could happen is that he will get mad at me for not telling him that I'm still here, still alive.

Liam pulls into a driveway and jumps out of the car running to the door.

"We are going to go see Harry now, okay?" I nod and Niall opens the door getting out before pulling me out and carrying me to the door. He stands behind Liam so Harry or anyone can see.

"Harry!" Liam yells. I can hear Harry's boots on the wooden floor.

"What do you want!" He yells back. Liam steps to the side.

"Aliyah?" Harry says. He runs out the door over to me and Niall. He grabs me from Niall's arms. I'm okay.

"Harry." I say.

(Yay! They are back together. Sorry for the long wait I'm trying to make every chapter perfect. I'll update soon love ya thank you for reading! xx)

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