Chapter 49

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Harry's POV

My walk around campus is taking longer than I expected it to. From the outside it looks so small. Once your in though everything seems to expand. It's taken me since I left Aliyah's room until now, eleven to walk not even to the south campus yet. I wonder what class she is in now?

Ever since months ago when I thought that I'd never see her beautiful face again things seemed to be different. I was always, and still am, used to her being by my side. Basically, we did everything together. In a way we were connected. I always knew if something was bugging her or if she was tired or hungry, but now I feel like we've drifted apart. I love her with everything I can give her, I truly do. We both have lives though out side of each other. I'm part of a band with my best friends who I like brothers to be, and she is in college now. A college she's wanted to go to since she was younger. I'm happy for her. Beyond happy. I just wish there was more time to do the things we used to. Like going out with the boys and her friends, other than Aria.

I've gained a few looks and glares even. I'm surprised no one has come up to me yet. I mean we are at a music college. I guess I'm not complaining in a way. In a way I am though, I'm just so used to it. It grows on you after a while.

I finally make it to the south campus. It is much smaller than the north side but it is still pretty big.

"Harry!" I hear a voice from behind me. I turn around to see a tall blonde standing there. I've seen her before.

"Uh yeah, aren't you-" she cuts me off.

"Yeah, Aliyah's roommate from this morning." Oh yeah. The one who is obsessed with us. I guess she nice though.

"Would you want to go get some coffee at the café. There is one up there we can go to." She adds pointing up the pathway where a small café sits.

"I don't know I pr-" she cute me off again.

"Please! I have no one else to go with." I sigh and nod. She smiles leading the way to the café.

Aliyah's POV

I head to my room at twelve-thirty just like I had promised. Harry wasn't there so I decided to text, just making sure he still remembered our lunch plans. I touch up my hair and makeup before checking my phone for a text from Harry.

No reply.

It's been fifteen minutes usually he answers after three. Maybe his phone died and he is walking back here now. I'll just wait here and see if he comes. If he doesn't come in the next fifteen minutes I'll call him.

It's been thirty minutes now and he still hasn't texted me or came to my dorm yet. He couldn't have gone to a place to eat we never discussed that. Just said to meet at my dorm.

Next thing I know I'm laying across my bed, my eyes fluttering to stay open.

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