Chapter 42

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Aliyah's POV

I run inside the house with my acceptance letter in hand. It finally came. I've been waiting so long and it's finally here.

"Mom! Come here! Look look look!" I shout as I run to my kitchen where my mom is sipping on her coffee reading the paper. She puts the paper down long enough to realize what I am talking about.

"Well, open it." She tells me. I tear open the envelope and pull out the piece of paper inside. I quickly unfold it and read what it says. I made it. I got in. I jump up in down in excitement. Finally, I've been stuck in this house for three months since...I died I guess. Since then, my Instagram and twitter were deleted. We didn't tell the fans I was dead. We just deleted it so I wouldn't use it. For Harry's sake. I haven't talked to Niall in a while either. Last time I heard from him they were finishing their tour. I haven't talked to my friends either. I hope that they arent mad at me. I don't know why they would be, it is Aria's fault.

"When is orrientation?" My mom asks? I skim the letter to see what it says.

"March first. So I have a couple of months to pack and get things for my dorm." I tell her and she nods.

"I'm really proud of you Aliyah." I smile. It has been hard. But it is all changing. I just wish Harry was here to watch it. He is probably happier now.

"Thank you." I smile and run up the stairs to my room.

I begin packing my bags. Even though i won't be leaving for another two months I'm just getting a head start so it isn't so stressful when the time comes. I don't even know what im going to bring. I am obviously going to leave some of my things here for when I come back to visit. I'll just bring the clothes I wear the most and some other things that could be useful, I guess. I'm not very good at these types of things.

My phone starts buzzing on my desk. It's Niall.

"Hello.." I say worried. He usually doesn't call me. I'm usually the one to call him.

"Hi, uhh we have a slight problem." Oh.

"What is it? Is everything alright?" I ask. I hope Harry is okay.

"Yeah, everything is fine. You need to leave your house right now." Why?

"Why? I'm fine." I laugh, trying to lighten the mood. I don't think it did.

"Well, Harry insisted we go and see your mom.." I wasn't thinking that they would be coming up. This is a surprise. I have an idea.

"Oh...I wasn't thinking that you would be coming up here. That sure is surprising. I'll just go to the mall I guess. When will you guys be here?" The mall isn't to bad. I mean Harry is so much better. But I'm dead to him. Literally.

"About an hour or so. we finished tour, and Harry made us promise to go visit your mom. Oh and one other thing." What else could this boy need to say.

"Ok. Spill." I say. I'm annoyed now.

"He wants to see your grave." Well thats going to be hard considering I don't know. I don't have one.

"Have fun with that. I have to go. Bye see you in an hour." I say and hang up before I realize what i had just said. This is going to be hard. Why is Harry still so upset. All I want is for everything to be right again. Nobody understands how hard it is to pretend to be dead, when the person you love is the only one you are keeping the secret of being dead from. I thought he would have moved on by now. I have. Well not relationship wise, but I'm starting to become more happy. I just got into the college I have always dreamed of going to and I am going to start my life. And pursue my dream. That is what I always planned on doing as a child. As happy as I am with everything that has just happened in the last hour. The one thing that I wish the most is that I could be sharing all of this with Harry. But of course I can't my mother had to ruin everything I had left. Well not everything. I am still here, still alive. Just not to Harry.

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