Chapter 29

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Aliyah's POV

When I woke up I was in my bed. I rubbed my eyes. When I walked downstairs Harry wasn't there. Only my mom was. What? I thought he wasn't leaving until Sunday. It's Thursday.

"Mom?" She was sitting on the couch book in her hands. She looked up at me.

"Hi honey how are you feeling?" Oh I don't know, I just got out of the hospital.

"Better," I lie. If Harry were here I wouldn't be lying but he's not. I don't know where he is. I wish I did. I would feel much better.

"Uhh where's Harry?" I blurt out before she can even answer. He's probably at a concert. I just wanted to know. I still want to talk to him. We never talk much. Just me and him. It would be nice for a change.

"He's at a concert, he should be home soon." I nod. It's eight now, usually their concerts start at seven so he should be back around ten or so. Maybe I'll get to see the rest of the boys, unless they go to the hotel they were supposed to stay at.

I pad into the kitchen and make myself so mac n' cheese. While that is cooking I grab my phone. I have six unread messages. God people. I immediately go to the one from Harry. It reads "Hey love I'm at a concert right now I'll see you when I get back, love you xx" that makes me feel a little better knowing he will be back soon. Even though my mom said he would it's better hearing it from him.

The next two messages is from my mom, checking up on me. I scroll down some more. Aria? Why would she text me. It reads "Hi Aliyah just wanted to know how you are feeling, I understand if you can't answer this I know you are having a rough week. Just text me when you get the chance." I text her back telling her I'm feeling a little better and thank her for asking. The other two are from Perrie and Sophia. To my surprise Perrie and Zayn are dating now and Liam and Sophia are dating. They are cut together, both of the couples. I knew it would happen.

I grab a bowl of mac n' cheese and run up the stairs to my room. I go on my laptop. The first thing that is open is colleges? I totally forgot I still have to go to college. I still plan on going to Los Angeles College of Music for singing, or LACM. I've always wanted to go there. It's my dream school. Ever since I was little I would sing in my room, to my family, everywhere. I used to take singing lessons as a child but not so much anymore. Summer is over in a month. I've already applied there, I just haven't gotten a response. I'm hoping for the best.

After about an hour of looking at the LACM website Harry still isn't back. I pull my long hair into a messy bun and turn off my laptop. I want to text Harry but I decide against it. I don't want to bug him if he is still at his concert. He shouldn't have to worry about me right now.

Harry's POV

When I walk into Aliyah's room she is asleep with her laptop on her lap. I gently shake her to wake her up. "Harry?" her eyes slowly open, staring up at me.

"I'm back," she smiles pulling me down towards her kissing me. I crawl into bed next to her leaning my head against the head board.

"Can we talk now?" She asks sitting up next to me.

"Yes, say what ever you want I'm listening." I inform her.

"Well, by now you have probably noticed I don't have a dad, am I right?" I nod.

"Okay, well I did but he left when I was six. I haven't seen him since." I can tell she is trying not to cry.

"When I was seven I decided I wanted to be home schooled. I was having trouble paying attention in class and I was always depressed from my dad leaving. We were really close, unlike him and my mom." I move closer to her wrapping my arm around her waist, comforting her.

"At the age of thirteen I wanted to go back to public school to try and make friends. That's where I meant Jada and Sophia. We became really close friend, and hung out almost everyday. Until eleventh grade when they moved to Arizona." I never realized how much I didn't know about Aliyah until now.

"Then twelfth grade came along and I got a boyfriend named Mike. He was really nice to me for the six months we dated. He was always there for me like you are," she smiles when she says that, making me smile too.

"Until he broke up with me, he started spreading rumors about me and calling me an annoying ugly whore. When we didn't do anything together. I cried almost everyday and didn't even want to go to school." A tear rolls down her face and she swipes it away resting her head in my chest.

I cradled her in my arms, "Its okay," I laid back on the bed so that my head was on the pillow.

"Try and go to sleep," it feels a lot better knowing more about Aliyah. I never knew how much she had been through. When I met her she was happy you would never know that she cried almost everyday or that her dad left her when she was six.

(Hello everyone, this chapter took me a long time and I don't even know why lol. I hope you liked it byeee )

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