Chapter 60

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It's only been a week since Harry brought me back to his place from the hospital. Things have been good since then I've picked up a few new clothes at the mall now and then Harry always going with me and now we are finishing packing to go to his house in England. Zayn is going back to Bradford, Niall is going to Mullingar, and so on. Everyone is going home for a while. Except me. I'm going with Harry. My mom has tried calling me, but I keep ignoring them and sending her a few I love you texts so she knows I'm okay. I just don't answer her after. It's been hard to keep my pregnancy a secret. Especially from my mom. I tell her everything. Well, I used to. Things have certainly changed over the past month.

"Almost finished?" Harry says walking into his room. Most of my clothes are neatly packed in my suit case, all I have to do is pack my makeup in the morning and my toothbrush. He finished packing a while ago, since he has some things still at his moms.

"Yeah, I'll pack the rest in the morning before we leave." I smile at him. It's not a real smile, but it's not fake either. One of the in between ones. The kind when you aren't really sure what you are feeling, you're just feeling something. Harry knows it too.

"Things will get better for you Aliyah, for us. Just give it time." He kisses my forehead and heads to bed. I follow him. Will things get better? There was a time, or I should say times, when things were "better". A time without Harry. Maybe it is better for not just me, but for him too.

My alarm clock goes off at seven, Harry still sound asleep. I untangle myself from him and head into the bathroom to shower. The water takes too long to heat up and I soon step inside. I hear Harry's loud foot steps walking towards the kitchen as I turn the water off, and grab my towel from the rack next to the shower. Being the lazy person I am I put my hair in a loose side braid and put on leggings and a loose fitting t-shirt. I debate on whether or not I should put on make up, but do it anyway. Not too much only concealer and mascara. I walk out just in time to say goodbye to Zayn before he leaves to visit his family.

"Hey," He smiles at me.

"Hey, you leaving?"

"Yeah I was just getting ready to until you walked out and thought I would say bye," that was nice. I'm glad I got to though.

"Thanks," I laugh, "bye I guess, see you in a few months."

"Yeah, bye Harry." Harry waves and Zayn walks out the door. Leaving me and Harry alone in the house. I finish neatly folding my clothes and placing them in my suitcase and Harry throw his clothes in his. So not organized. I zip up my suitcase and Harry takes it to the car.

Before walking out the door I take one last glance at the house. So many memories have been made, not only here, but everywhere me and Harry have gone together and the things we have gone through. I'm glad that I got taken that day. It sounds bad I know but if I hadn't me and Harry wouldn't be as close as we are today. I love Harry. He is the best thing that has happened to me in the past two years. After my dad died I never thought I would be this happy,mor happy at all. My life before Harry always went downhill never up just a straight plunge into the ground. When I met Harry my life gradually started to go up again. And down of course. No one has the perfect life. I sure don't. Even Harry doesn't, and he is in the biggest boyband in the world.

Hopefully Harry's mom will like me for me and not like me because I have gone through a lot. Going to England is like a new beginning for me. I have never been there before and no one there knows who I am. Unless they are fans of One Direction. I pretty positive Harry has a sister too, I don't think Harry has told her about me though.

When we get to the airport or luggage is taken by one of Harry's body guards and we head to the gate. Harry grabs my hand letting me know that everything is going to be okay.

"You ready?" He asks me.

"Yeah," I smile. A real smile this time. A one hundred percent real smile. I happy to be going on this trip with the person I love. The person who has been there for me every single second. I don't know how this happened it just did. I didn't plan it and I don't think Harry did either. We finally take our seats on the plane.

How did I get here?

(I know I said that this book would be 100 chapters but I'm sorry to say this is the last one. But there is a reason and it has to do with how I'm writing it. Also sorry for the long wait I've had a ton of homework and a lot of family things have happened but this is the last chapter of How did I get here. Thank you all for reading the second book will be coming soon. It is called "Here" be sure to read it I love you xx)

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