Chapter 93

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Lol lemme be like those TV shows:

"Last on More Than Business...

Lydia's bedroom door was locked from the inside but I could hear her struggling from the inside. I thought quickly to a time when OJ accidentally locked himself in one of the bedrooms, and we were able to pick the lock with a bobby-pin. I quickly grabbed one from the bathroom next to her door and did so.

The second I got inside I heard the click of a gun.

Wayne had her pinned to the ground, naked, with his hand holding her neck to the ground. His legs were forcing hers open. His other hand pointed the gun at me."

Chapter 93

Nicki POV

"Get off of her." I said through my teeth.

"You are in no position to tell me what to do." He sneered.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Look at my current position, its obvious." He replied.

I folded my arms, "You're implying that you're doing this solely for the purpose of sex.. but its a known fact that men don't actually rape women for the sake of wanting sex, but rather because it puts them in a position of power."

"So.." I continued, "What do you want?"

"I want to kill you." he said boldly.

"No you don't." I shook my head, "If you wanted to kill me you would've shot me the moment I walked in. Same way if you wanted to take advantage of her you would've done so instead of making conversation with me."

"You've got two choices." he warned, "I'll either shoot you, or you will have to watch me drill into her."

"You're hoping that I value my life over her well-being.. because murder takes more balls than rape." I taunted, all the while I was really just buying Lydia some time. There was a knife under her mattress, and since Wayne had foolishly left her arms unrestrained, she was able to silently retrieve it while I kept him distracted.

"Whats your choice?"

"Kill me." I told him.

"What about your family?"

"The only family I have are my kids... Lydia will care for them." I turned to her as she hid the knife in her hand, "Right?"

"Nic I don't think I can do it." She wasn't referring to the conversation at all.

"Well you're not gonna have a choice once he kills me." I responded, also not referring to the conversation.

"She doesn't seem sure." he staggered.

"You said it was my choice." I took a few steps closer to him, and with each step he trembled slightly. I placed his gun on my head. "I saved you half the work."

"You're a brave little bitch aren't you." He spat.

"Pull the fucking trigger and stop being a bitch." I mirrored his speech.

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