Chapter 100

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MADE IT TO 100 CHAPTERS OF THIS BOOK!!! Woah never imagined this, especially with having so many readers for this one! Gonna try to make the 100th chapter a good one!

And since you guys have been supportive of my writing, dont forget to email me for editing help, advice or questions and answers. I will respond so much faster than on Wattpad I promise lol. I hope you guys take advantage of that, can't wait to see you guys in my inbox!

Now back to this story 💯😜


Nicki was gone by the time I woke up. After I had showered, I saw the text she left me:

Babe, don't hate me.. With everything thats been going on I totally forgot to tell you that the "meeting" I told you about with the people from your company is tomorrow. I got the family tickets, but since it was last minute, they are staggered. Lydia, OJ, Liam and I had to leave early this morning. Your tickets are on the dining room table, your plane leaves at noon. I packed Oliver and Alli's bags already, they are set by the door. When you get to the Toronto airport, the drivers will bring you guys to the hotel. I didn't want to assume anything, so I booked your parents a King suite for the night. You and I have a family suite with the triplets, and Aaliyah is staying in a Queen suite with Lydia and OJ. Once again, I'm sorry this is super last minute. I'll call when we land.

I texted her back: Some people just say Good Morning

That was followed by a phonecall from her.

"Hey babe." she beamed from the other end.


"You'd love this hotel room." She told me.

"Oh yeah?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I have a secret.." she whispered.

"What is it?" I asked.

"The uh... last time I've been in a hotel room, well actually every time I've ever been in a hotel room- I've definitely had sex each time." She explained, "If I'm being completely honest, I uh- definitely lost my virginity in one... both times."

"Are you trying to turn me on?" I questioned.

"No, just.. We haven't talked.. like talk-talked in a while. And since I know, you have some time to kill before your flight.. and I have time to kill until you get here, we could talk." she stated.

"So we are talking about your previous sex life?"

"That was unintentional. I was just coming to the realization that I haven't been in a hotel room since before we got together. But um.. yeah, what do you want to talk about?" I could tell by her tone that she was biting her lip.

"Why would you plan an entire trip without me, then go on the trip with Lydia before me?" I asked.

"It was supposed to be a surprise babe. And I didnt want to make you wake up so early," she defended.

"I'm not mad.. I'm just pointing out that its events like this that make it hard to-"

"Just don't think of it that way." she groaned.

"How should I think of it then?"

She was silent for a moment, "Your lesbian fiancée is out of the country with an extremely attractive female just across the hall.. and above everything else, she chose to call and talk to you while she awaits your arrival."

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