Chapter 68

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"Lydia, can we talk?" I asked her as she was gathering her things to leave for the night.

"Yeah of course babe." She turned to me.

"I need your opinion before I mention it to Aubrey..." I lead-in.


"I was thinking of names for the babies," I explained, "And I was considering naming one of the girls Aurora, after Aaliyah's twin sister."

"That's cute." She confirmed.

"I just feel like it might not be my place, it may be too touchy of a situation for them.." I vented.

"Talk to him about it." She suggested.

I did.. at dinner that night. Aubrey and I were at a restaurant, my hair spiraled over my right shoulder. My stomach pultruded with the weight of pregnancy as I sat across from him. He was wearing the watch I had bought him the day we officially started dating.

"Nic.." He sighed, after I had gave him the suggestion.

"I know.. I shouldn't even have said anything. I'm sorry.. just forget it." I felt my cheeks burning as I shook my head.

"Nic calm down." He touched my hand, "Let me speak."

I bit my lip and stared into his eyes, allowing him to explain himself.

"You know you're truly amazing.." He opened up.

I cracked a smile shyly.

"And I think thats the most... compassionate gesture anyone has ever made to me." He continued.

"I was afraid it may be too sensitive for you and Aaliyah. I couldn't imagine going through what you did.." I spoke with a slight crack in my voice.

"Nic, you did go through it.. more than enough times." He cocked his head to the side.

"Thats completely different." I denied.


"She was your child," I squinted, "nothing can ever compare to losing your child. I don't know what I would do if anything were to ever happen to OJ, or Aaliyah, or one of the triplets.."

"Nothing will ever happen to them, don't worry." He coaxed.

Later that night we were eating and talking.

He paused for a moment and asked, "How are you?"

"What do you mean?" I smiled awkwardly.

"You know what I mean Nic."

I shrugged, "I'm... balanced."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he cracked a smile.

"the good and bad are balanced out." I used my hands to give the visual of a balanced scale.

"Okay.. tell me the bad." He held both of my hands in his.

I took a deep breath before venting, "My back is killing me, because my stomach is the size of a bus. I can't drink or have sex. I feel like I'm going to pop. I'm super stressed about making sure the babies stay perfectly healthy, and I'm going crazy because we haven't had time to start on the nursery. Anddd in less than a month I'm going to have to push out three babies."

I could tell he was holding in his laughter.

"Are you laughing at me?" I faked shock.

"No I'm not." he denied, is face was poppy red.

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