Chapter 13

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"Oh.. She offered you a job as executive president of finances?" I faked a smile. "I thought she hated you."

"Turns out you were right. She's actually really fond of me! Thank you so much Lydia! I hope I can be close to her like you are." She said all cheery.

"Yeah.. But you can't be THAT close. I mean really.." I tried to laugh off the awkwardness but on the inside I was boiling over.

"Well, I'm gonna get back to work. Thanks again!" She left.

"That Bitch!" I said to myself.

"Lydia, may I speak with you in my office?" Nicki cleared her throat.

"Suree." I cut my eyes at her as I walked into her office.

She shut the door, "great news right?"

I could tell she was testing me.

"I thought you hated her?"

"Oh like you care! The way you've been throwing me at Aubrey nonstop." She cut me off, "You took it just a tad too far you know?"

"Alright alright. I'll stop." I gave in.

"Good. Because I felt so bad seeing how high Aaliyah's hopes would get." She replied.

"Gotta admit if you hold in there just a few more days you can probably get him to close a blind deal." I pitched.

"You think I should?" She asked.

"I mean.. Its up to you." I shrugged.

"Its just so hard.. You know? He gets all flirty and touchy and starts trying to kiss me. Its just--" She pretended to gag on her finger. "The wine helped a lot last night though."

"Yeah I noticed." I rolled my eyes.

"Babe don't tell me you're jealous?" She caught on.

"Just a little bit." I confessed.

"Don't be jealous. Only significant man in my life is OJ. You're my one and only. No one will replace you." She reassured me.

"Fine. I'll stop being jealous."

"I can't believe you got jealous over a man! Lydia for crying out loud what do you take me for?" She giggled.

"Don't make fun of me" I pouted and sat down.

"Is my baby upset?" She asked and straddled me.

"Just a little."

I wrapped my arms around her waist while we made out for a few minutes.

She pulled away, "I got you a gift."

"What is it?"

She went to her desk and pulled out a small box.


"Now... This is not an engagement ring. Its just a promise ring okay? Don't freak out." she explained and slid it on my finger. "There's another one in here for you to give to me."

"Aww they match. I love them," I said sliding hers onto her finger. "And I love you"

I pulled her onto my lap and kissed her.

"I love you too. And I'm sorry for being the cheesy bitch to get my gift for you." she giggled.

"Its okay. As long as you're my cheesy bitch." I replied and we made out for a few more minutes.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Shit" Nicki whispered. She got up and looked at me "your lipstick is smudged."

"Yours too." I replied. "The donut!"

She took out the glazed donut and tore it in two. We both messily began eating as she turned on her computer.

"Come in" I called as she pretended to be showing me something.

Vanessa entered.

"Hi again." She said nervously. "There's a phone call for you from uh Aubrey. He says he sorry for running late and he should be here in 20minutes."

"Thank you." Nic smiled.

"You're welcome. And uh,"


"You both have a-- nevermind." She walked back out.

"I think she's on to us."

"Wait a minute" she stormed back in.


"Why do both of you have smudged lipstick?"

"Donut." I lied.

"Both of you eat messy?"

"She taught me how to eat them." I lied.

"We tried to wipe the lipstick off first." Nicki said simultaneously.

"Then why do you have traces of eachother's lipstick shade?"

"We used the same napkin." I replied using Nic's story.

"We shared the donut." Nic did the same thing.

"Damn it." Nicki whispered to herself.

"I can put two and two together." Vanessa put her hands on her hips.

"Its not what you're thinking." Nic defended.

"Its okay Ms. Nicki. I understand its been a while since OJ was born you may have forgotten some things. And you don't want to disappoint Aubrey so you practiced on Lydia." she concluded.

"That is exactly what happened." I agreed.

"How'd you know about Aubrey?" Nic asked concerned.

"Word gets around FAST in this building." Vanessa clicked her tongue.

"Great" I smiled, their little love affair should stir up a bit of media and add more publicity to the business.

"Not great." Nic gave me the Do you hear this? look.

"It's good publicity." I stated.

"I guess," She sighed.

"Those are really cute rings, are they like friendship rings or did you just both like the same ring?" Vanessa asked.

"I bought them." Nic spoke up.

"But I don't remember either of you having them on earlier." Vanessa pondered aloud.

"Today is our anniversary of our friendship." I lied.

"Oh ok." Vanessa smiled and left.

"She gullible as shit." I giggled.

"Totally clueless." Nic shook her head.

"Aubrey should be here soon. Keep leading him on until you get what you want." I winked.

"But I don't even know how I'll be able to back out of it in the end." She worried.

"Relax. Just pretend it wasn't intentional." I smiled.


"Now kiss me before I go."

She wrapped her arms around me and I let my hands lie comfortably on her ass as we kissed passionately.

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