Chapter 81

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"After a LONGGG-- FORCED maternity leave, I am personally glad to be heading back to work in a few days! (Finally got cleared)!" I tweeted the morning after my return to work had been confirmed by the nurse, Lydia, Aubrey, and company.

"Don't forget to tune in to your local Fox news station at 3pm for Lydia and I's live interview this afternoon!" I tweeted out a second later.

I scrolled through everyone's excitement and wishes of good luck and happiness.

"Are you sure you want to start working again? Considering the week you have ahead of you.." Aubrey probed.

"If anything it'll be stress relief.." I stated, referring to the fact that the first court date against Ciara and Omarion is tomorrow.

"I just don't want you to bite off more than you can chew." He warned.

I wrapped a scarf around my neck lightly and looked in the mirror, "should I wear this?" I asked, bypassing his statement.

"Anything you put on you will look amazing in Nic." he assured me.

"Go see what Lydia's wearing for me.. I don't want to clash.. nor do I want to match too much." I requested as I found a part in the waistline of my skirt that could be taken in a bit for more comfort.

"Where is she?"

"Across the hall.. just walk in, she probably won't hear the door if she's in the back." I instructed.

"O..okay?" he seemed uneasy but I couldn't figure out why.

"Thanks babe." I blew him a kiss before grabbing my sewing kit.


I did as Nic had instructed, as weird as it seemed. But I was immediately glad I did.

I took a tentative step inside, "Lydia" I called out.

"Where's Nic?" She called back out to me.

I followed her voice, "She's still trying to settle on an outfit."

I found her. She was sitting, nearly laying on the ground and her cheeks had a few lonely tear streaks running down them.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I just have a fetish for sitting on closet floors." she rolled her eyes.

I knelt beside her, "I always figured you'd have a weird fetish. I just assumed it was feet."

She scrunched her nose, "No they're gross."

"You don't look okay." I refocused the subject, it was obvious that she was hurt in someway but she was doing a hell of a job hiding it.

"You don't have to tend to me, it's okay." She dismissed.

"You're hurt." I insisted.

"Its fine." she stated.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked.

"Call my mother in here, so that you can help Nic finish getting dressed." She instructed.

"Why won't you let me help you?" I inquired, reaching towards her.

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