Chapter 116

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"It doesn't really make sense to keep us here." I complained. A detective sat across from me as they brought Aubrey into the room with me. We both had been questioned endlessly.

"Its all apart of the investigation." he cleared his throat.

"How?" Aubrey asked.

"What happened to innocent until proven guilty?"

"We looked into everyone involved, and from you recent custody battle we discovered the allegation of possible mental illness-" he began.

"You think Nic did something to Oliver?" I scrunched my nose.

"Its possible."

"How do you kidnap your own child?" Aubrey questioned, "That doesn't even make sense."

"Mental illness is unpredictable, which is why we're using a different tactic to find out if she's guilty or not." he explained.

"By keeping us here?"

"How do you expect her to deal with the stress of all of this, and take care of 4 kids by herself?"

"She's not taking care of the kids. And the goal is-"

"What do you mean?" Aubrey interrupted.

"You took the kids from her?" My eyes widened.

"They are with a Law Guardian for the sake of the investigation. The goal is, if she did have something to do with it... she'll confess to it this way a lot faster than if she is questioned."

"She's going to go crazy." Aubrey stated.

"You can't do that to her." I shook my head to fight oncoming tears. "You can't just take everyone away from her-"

"Its temporary."

"It's detrimental." I shot back.

"Until we have another lead. There were no recent fingerprints other than the three of you anywhere in the house. No traces of hair, nothing that points in any other direction." he explained.

I buried my head in my hands to think, "What about Omarion?"


"Yes." I nodded, "The whole custody battle was because he and his wife wanted Nic to have a baby for them. They were willing to take OJ away, but they lost the case. Is that not enough incentive to take her baby?"

He perked up, "Indeed it is. What information can you give me about them? That'll help us find them quicker?"

I told him what I could remember about the two of them. As he wrote it all down, Aubrey tapped me.

"Nic told me the man who raped Vanessa is the same guy who assaulted her." he recalled, "Something about it being the only way to get to her."

"You think he took Oliver to truly get his point across?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Who is the detective on that case?" The detective interrupted.

I gave him the information before turning to Aubrey again.

"I think you're right. But, honestly I'm really hoping it was Omarion and Ciara."


"Because if its them, we know they took him because they wanted a child. Which means he's being taken care of. If its that other son-of-a-bitch, we don't know what he is capable of." I explained.

By the time they had officially cleared us, returned all of our stuff and allowed us to leave, it was nearly noon. A day and a half had passed.


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