Chapter 147

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We spent the rest of the week planning our weekend trip and making sure Nic was set for keeping Zoe at their place while we were gone. Zoe fell in love with the idea of spending the weekend there especially once Nic mentioned them working on customizing her room there. At work we were still sorting out all the bride to be drama. By Friday Anita and I spent the morning packing for the trip, she had previously called out of work, I had arranged for Nic and Margo to handle my morning meetings and such.

"Oo you know what I've always wanted to do?" She looked up from her suitcase excitedly.

"Whats that?"


I cringed, "I still have to psyche myself out to swim in the ocean at beach because of the possibility of fish being near me.."

"Really?" She giggled.

"If they have it available, we'll do it." I told her.

"You're squirming just talking about it, it was just an idea babe."

"I'm open to try new things, no matter how gross it may seem." I folded a romper and placed it in the bag, "but if you're making me face fears and swim with fish we should also see if they have the whole swim with dolphins thing."

"You're making it seem like I'm forcing you." She scrunched her nose.

"You are, in a good way. It'll be fun." I smiled at her.


At the office we were setting up for a photoshoot, the shoot wasn't for another week but all the planning and details were being put together today. I had Margo as my right hand since Lydia took the morning off to pack.

"Whats my job title here? Like what would go on my resume? I can't exactly write substitute co-owner or CEO." Margo asked as we got on the elevator.

"Personal assistant, why? Do you plan on leaving?"

"Well no but-"

"As long as the company is still standing, your job here is secure. I don't think you'd do anything to get yourself fired. But obviously you're not obligated to stay- if you get a better offer or this no longer seems like a good fit for you, do not feel like you owe us anything."

"Good to know."

The elevator doors opened, we walked down the hall to the conference room. Everyone was talking when we arrived but quickly got quiet as we entered the room. We designated an intern to take meeting notes as we discussed everything from budgets, model selection, props, and so on.

At the end of the meeting Margo and I stayed by our seats as everyone left the room.

"Hey, this might sound like a silly question.." I cleared my throat as I gathered my papers once the room was clear.

"Even more reason to ask, what's up?"

"What does Aubrey like?"

"You don't know what your husband likes? Like what he likes to do? Or..." she chuckled slightly.

"Okay, laugh. Fine, but thats not getting me closer to an answer." I urged.

She tucked her hair behind her ear, "okay. Well, anything sports related, when he's with the guys they'd play the game a lot, uh.. I don't know food and liquor obviously, you're his wife so sex is always an option.."

"The game? What does that mean?" I squinted at her.

"Video games.."

I shook my head slowly, "Do I look like I know anything about any of that?"

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