Chapter 130

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I woke to a text from Vanessa, inviting me to hr baby shower.

O: Do you have a registry or something? What do you or the babies need?

V: books!

O: After the shower, you let me know what else you may need okay?

V: Thank you.

O: Can I stop by today?

V: yes please do.

O: lunch is on me. Is your mother still there?

V: yes, and my brother and sister and her husband.

O: at 11 send me a list of what everyone wants okay? I'll be heading out by then.

V: you don't have to feed my whole family

O: but I am.

Aubrey's hand roamed my body as he started waking up. I turned to face him and smiled.

He opened his eyes, "good morning."

"Good morning." I pecked his lips.

"What time is it? How much time do I have before you start rushing around?" He asked.

"30 minutes" I checked my phone.

"Good, stay in bed." His hand massaged my waist.

"Keep staring at me like that, and I'll stay in bed all day." I bit my lip.

"Oh really?" He smirked pulling me on top of him, causing me to feel how hard he was against my belly button.

"Did you dream about me?" I teased.

"Always." He replied.

Before I could respond I got a text from Lydia,

L: Just a heads up, Anita is picking OJ up from school today.

O: If you can't.. me or Aubrey can, its no big deal babe.

L: Zoe is starting school there today, so she'll be picking her up anyways. I figured it would save either of us the trip.

O: ohhh okay! I didn't want her to have to go out of her way. I didn't know you guys were switching Zoe's school!

L: its easier to have them both in one place, plus its closer.

O: Aww, I can drop OJ off at your place so they can go together if she's leaving from there ??

L: that would be cute.

O: We'll do that.

"Babe, Ima take OJ to Lydia's Zoe is starting at his school today so that way she has a buddy with her for the first day. Anddd Anita is picking them up." I informed Aubrey. I climbed off of him.

"Is he staying with them tonight?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

"Okay.. then."

After I had gotten dressed and ready, I woke OJ up.

"Hey baby boy," I tapped his shoulder until his eyes blinked open groggily. He groaned and turned away from me. "You wanna see Mama and Zoe?"

He turned back to me and peaked his eyes open before closing them again.

"Wow, glad to see you'll wake up a little more to see them than me." I joked causing him to giggle. "Oooh you faker!" I tickled him. He got up and hugged me tight.

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