Chapter 157

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After texting Nic to let her know the plan, I arrived at her house. I made sure to ring the bell as I didn't want to startle Stella by using my key. She answered the door with Logan in her arms and Ollie latched to her leg.

"Hey, Nicki isn't home yet-"

"Oh I know. Can I come in?"

She nodded and opened the door wider. Ollie reached for me so I picked him up.

"I'm just stopping by, I wanted to ask if you're available tomorrow night."

"What's tomorrow night?"

"Anita and I are having a last minute dinner with her parents. But since we have Kennedy, I don't recall if you've met her or not- but we technically can't leave Rory alone with the kids. "

"How old is Kennedy?"

"Same age as OJ and Zoe. This would just be a formality- the kids are pretty self sufficient and all well-behaved. I'd make dinner ahead of time or you guys can order food if you prefer. We just need your presence there. You won't have to actually do anything at all, you could watch a movie or whatever you want the entire time."

"What do you mean, my presence?"

"Anita legally cannot leave Kennedy alone not in the presence of a vetted adult. Which would be you. You just have to be in the house while we're gone. Like I said, Rory is fully capable of handling the three of them- and she'll do it all. You don't have to do anything at all besides be there." I reiterated, "you'll be paid as if you were actively caring for all four of them. But I stress, you don't actually need to do anything. Unless there's some form of emergency or immediate danger- like the house collapses or catches fire— then obviously assist in evacuating them."

She agreed to the terms and I spent a few minutes with each of the kids and ended up changing Logan and Liam at some point before I left.

I stopped at the store before heading to the airport, picking up some snacks and a bouquet for my mom and one for Anita. I arrived at the airport right as she landed so I ended up on facetime with Nic from the car while I waited for her to go through baggage claim.

"Hey babe, how's work?" I asked as she answered.

"Actually pretty calm. Not too much to do despite you not being here, so I started getting a head start on stuff for tomorrow so I can hopefully go home early tomorrow."

"That's good to hear. Oh, I talked to Stella, she's on board." I updated her.

"That's great! It sucks everything happened with Aubrey and Anita last night - I would've loved to have the kids over. But I'm glad Stella was able to swing it. She's amazing." She rested her chin in her hands as she leaned forward on her desk.

"Yeah I know babe. It's fine, it all works out anyways." I shrugged, "I hear you have lunch with Anita tomorrow to work things out right?"

"Yeah." She sighed.

"Don't hold this morning against her-"

"I know. It was pretty fucked up- him calling her like that. I get it."

"But it was sweet of him. To try to defend you, I mean." I stated, "I would still keep him away from her until it cools down."

"Yeah for sure. She's like a freaking assassin, which is super badass, but not as exciting when you're on the receiving end."

"Ah you're dramatic. You would never really be on the receiving end."

"Not me, Aubrey. I know I'm pretty much safe because of you- Aubrey not so much."

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