Chapter 118

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I woke up before Aubrey so I used that time to go online for a bit.

- I just wanted to thank the media for giving my email and phone a break this past week while my family got ourselves together. That being said, I have important things to share so Lydia and I are officially taking interview requests, tomorrow?

I read messages from everyone wishing me a happy birthday and congratulating me for having my family back together again. But the ones that stood out to me asked why I only ever did interviews with Lydia and never alone or with Aubrey.

- Lydia is my business partner. That's our brand. We work together, we make decisions together, we do interviews together. Since we are now being public about our lives, we know that our lives also effect our brand. Would you interview boy band members separately?

- Also, forewarning: if you see us out today for whatever birthday celebration my family has planned or if pictures happen to circulate.. don't entertain anything until I explain what happened last week.

The responses came quick, suggestions of a scandal of some sort or a pregnancy were among the most popular ideas.

We spent the afternoon at a high end establishment that resembled a resort. It was both kid friendly and extremely elegant. It was private and we only dealt with paparazzi at the front gates upon entering.

"This is amazing." I approached Lydia and Anita at the bar.

"Don't thank us, we just paid for it.. it was all your fiancé's idea." Lydia sipped her drink.

"He'll be thoroughly thanked later." I winked.

"Ohh." Anita vibed.

"As long as the birthday girl is prioritized." Lydia added.

"Oh yeah, I talked to him about that." I slid her drink towards me and took a sip of it. "Mm.. I taste mango and rum."

"How'd that go?" she laid her chin in her palms.

"Actually great." I nodded, taking another sip of her drink before returning it to her.

"I'm so happy for you two." Lydia smiled and rubbed my thigh in a motherly way.


"I heard you're doing an interview tomorrow to talk about well everything." Anita transitioned.

"Yeah, I thought it would be good to tell the story officially." I grinned, "I hope you don't mind me borrowing your girlfriend."

"Not at all.. just bring her back in one piece." she winked.

Lydia ended up taking the kids home with her and Anita, and Vanessa helped them transport.

Aubrey carried me into the house, up the stairs and laid me on the bed.

"I heard I should be thanking you for my wonderful birthday celebration." I snickered.

"I love you." he kissed my jaw and then my lips. "I'm glad you enjoyed your day."

The next morning, Lydia and I had a live TV interview at 8. We met at the office and drove to the interview together.

"Nic.. how are you?" Lydia asked randomly during the silent ride.

"You know the answer to that question babe." I checked my scar in her mirror.

"I want you to say it. I want hear you say it." she defended.

"I'm happy. Still a little shaken from last week, but I am happy and extremely grateful." I replied.

"You have grown so much, you know that? You are a strong, powerful, and outspoken woman." she complimented.

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