Chapter 17

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I sat in my bed with a sleeping OJ beside me, replaying the past weeks in my mind.

"I think I like him." I said aloud to myself.

"I think I really like him."

Just then, as if he'd heard me I recieved a text from Aubrey: Hey are you awake?

I had to get my eager giggles out before responding: Yeah.. Sleep isn't a close friend of mine lol

-Aww you work too hard? >^<

_Thats impossible lol! Wyd tho?

-Nothing.. Was thinking of you..

_ Aww what about me?

-I kinda don't wanna go back.. And be so far away from you

_lol why can I picture you saying that doing that lil thing where you scratch the back of your neck

-Basically... Lol

_ Thats so sweet tho. I was thinking of you too btw


_Yeah, like literally as you messaged me.

-Now I feel special lol

_lol you should :p

-Its nearly midnight you should get some sleep

_Ik.. I can only try lol

-date night tomorrow?

_ sure where?

-anywhere tbh..

_figure it out in the morning

-k love you <3

_ Night Aubrey ;) <3


I put my phone on the charger and stared up at the ceiling...

Lydia is NOT gonna like this..

I woke up the next morning to a text from Aubrey: Good morning beautiful

I smiled at the screen for a moment before responding: Good morning. Look who got up earlier than me today lol

-yeah that was my goal

_show off :p

-maybe lol

_ You should be tired

-shhhhhhhh lol

_ mm okay >·<

-Go get ready for work lol stop slacking

_ Don't tell me what to doooooooo lol

-yeah yeah

_see you at the office :)

-beat ya there ;)

_oh its a race?¿?¿

-yeah. On your marks get set go

I put my phone down and took a shower and performed the rest of my hygienes. I got OJ ready while he was still sleeping and packed him a breakfast. I buckled him into his carseat and kissed his forehead before getting into the drivers seat and pulling off. I grabbed OJ out of his seat and carried him into the office.

"I win" Aubrey grinned, sitting in my chair.

"You were probably here since last night for all I know." I joked, "How'd you get into my office though?"


"She gave you the key to my office?" I cocked my head to the side. whats wrong with her?

"Yeah yesterday."

"Mmm okay." I laid OJ down on the couch then walked over to him.

"Anything I can help you with today Ms. Maraj?" He asked pulling me into his lap.

"No I think I'm good" I giggled. "Where's Aaliyah?"

"Home sleeping."

"I guess she wouldn't be easily thrown onto your hip while sleeping." I said referencing my sleeping OJ across the room.

"I bet you are." He grinned.

"Nuh uh" I giggled.

"Wanna bet?"


He stood and lifted me onto his hip.

"I'm not a babyyyy" I whined.

"Okay okay." he sat back down with me on his lap and kissed me.

I turned to him and straddled him, deepening the kiss. It wasn't until I felt his hands roam my body when I realized what was happening.

I pulled away and stood up. I turned away, covering my face as I walked to the wall and cried.

"Nic," he walked slowly up to me.

I turned to him hesitantly.

"I can't." I croaked.

"You can't what?"

"I can't keep doing this.."

"What do you mean?"

"There are things you don't know.. And I just don't know how to tell you."

He wrapped his arms around me, "you can tell me,"

"Its not that simple" I groaned.

"Is there someone else?" he asked.


He took a deep breath.

"You know who it is though." I whispered.



QOTD: if you only had enough space on your phone to download one Nicki song, which would it be?

AOTD: All Things Go or ummm Cuchi Shop lol....

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