Chapter 129

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I woke up around 3 the next morning, unable to fall back to sleep. When I finally gave up on trying, I decided to go on twitter:

- Its 3am.. and.. I.. am.. awake. Ugh

People from different timezones replied, telling me what time it was for them and what they were doing. Others asked why I was awake.

- I don't know. I just can't sleep..

"Aww poor thing.. is Aubrey awake?"
- lol no.. and before you say it.. i am NOT gonna wake him up. He needs his rest

-omg did I mention I'm a Godmother to 2 babygirls as of yesterday afternoon?!

- I have such a busy day today too.. Honestly kinda glad I took off yesterday to be there for the delivery.

- that reminds me.. Send Lydia extra love, every time I take time off, a lot falls on her. She's incredible.

"Who does most of the work for the company?"
- Honestly its pretty even. We pick up eachothers slack when needed (mostly her picking up mine). So.. I guess her

-Wait, since you're all here, help me with something. Adoption yay or nay?

There were a mix of responses, some people were overly excited or overly against the idea that I was considering it. Some jumped to the conclusion that I was pregnant and thinking of putting my baby up for adoption. And so on.

- woah woah. You guys looked WAY too deep into that. No one is pregnant omg. This is honestly just a curiosity thing. I wanna hear the adoption horror stories and the good stories too.

- And stop interrogating me lol I have an interview today. And therapy afterwards, too many hard questions for one day lmao.

I read through the adoption stories; the good, the bad and the ugly. I read the responses to the interview announcement.

"Is Lydia going too?"
- Of course. We're a packaged deal. She's far more interesting, I promise.

"Yeah but she only talks about you"
- They usually gear the questions towards me for whatever reason. Idk

"Can you bring Aubrey or the kids too?"
- Ah, a family affair? Strange. Lol Aubrey & Lyd could never last that long in the same room let alone sitting that close to each other 😝

-Also, very much opposed to bringing a bunch of one year olds. And OJ is camera shy. Also, might be weird for Liyah.. idk though, maybe I'll ask her. No promises.

I got a text from Liyah soon after,

A- would love to go to an interview with you btw

O- wait huh??

She replied with a screenshot of my tweet.

O- oh 😳 didnt realize you followed me.. better start censoring myself 🥴

A- Everyone loves your tweets. They are so fun and lively. But yeah, totally game for anything tbh. What made you think it would be weird?

O- i dont know. Awkward questions.. or worse, awkward answers.

A- lol well its not weird for me if its not weird for you guys.

O- If your father is okay with it. And Lydia ofc. You know I'm all in.

A- should i ask them? Or you?

O- your job.. but not now, you need to gts! Lol

A- lol night. Love you

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