Chapter 148

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The day came that Lydia and Anita were able to bring Kennedy home, they requested I meet them at the house with the kids. I had the three of them prepped to meet Kennedy and to be welcoming. They insisted on making her cookies and brownies as a welcome present as well as a stuffed animal and a blanket we'd found online. OJ suggested a coloring book and crayons so I also added a notebook and pencil for her as well. Both the cookies and brownies had had plenty of time to cool by the time they arrived.

Kennedy was between Zoe and OJ's height, she had pale skin with straight, light brown hair that reached her elbows. Her face was a little bruised up and she had bandages decorating most of her body. Her left arm was in a brace and a sling and she walked with the slightest limp. She stood completely still and looked at each of us individually with a blank stare. Anita waved the kids over and she and Lydia both squatted to Kennedy's level.

"Ken I want you to meet my niece Zoelle- but we call her Zoe." Anita introduced, "Zoe this is my good friend Kennedy, but I call her Ken for short."

"Nice to meet you." Zoe offered her a handshake.

"Hi." Kennedy whispered.

Lydia held OJ's hand and directed Kennedy's attention to them, "This is my son OJ."

"Hi OJ." She said dryly.

I could tell OJ's spirits were dampened by Kennedy's initial reactions to meeting them.

"And this is Aurora my daughter." Lydia continued.

"Hi Kennedy."


Kennedy turned her whole body to face me and glared at me with her empty eyes.

"I'm Nicki- I'm OJ and Aurora's other mom. But I don't live here- don't worry."

"We made desserts!" Zoe exclaimed.

"Ooh yeah and we have presents for Kennedy!" OJ matched her excitement.

Kennedy looked at Anita and Lydia for reassurance before following OJ and Zoe.

"Remember not to use your broken arm okay Ken." Anita reminded her. After the kids had each eaten a treat and showed Kennedy her presents Anita suggested Rory help them to give Kennedy a tour.

Once they were gone Lydia hugged me, "Thanks for bringing them over."

"And for the treats and gifts. She's still getting warmed up, but I know she appreciates it." Anita added.

"Don't look at me. The kids put all this together. I just helped make it happen." I bit a cookie.

"She wasn't this- stand-offish at the hospital." Lydia noted.

"New environment, new people. It makes sense." I shrugged. "How was the trip?"

Both of their eyes lit up and they looked at each other.

"It was great." Lydia blushed as she bit into a cookie. "We met a dolphin named Finny."

"Of course that's your highlight." I giggled, I looked over at Anita, "As if I needed anymore proof that Lydia was in love.. finding out that she voluntarily went into the water to be with a ton of fish, and then did it again for a dolphin. I just knew she must be head over heels for you."

They took turns detailing the scuba experience and the dolphins, and then shared about the beach and the restaurants they went to and just how much they enjoyed everything and being together. We ended up sitting around the counter drinking water and eating cookies and brownies as we chatted about almost everything.

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