Chapter 75

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I woke up a little over a week later.. I didn't tell anyone, but a few days ago my vision got a LITTLE better.. I found myself at times able to make out shapes and figures. It was still a struggle to do so.. so I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up.

Today, when I opened my eyes, it was a little spotted. I blinked a few times and it cleared up. The room was silent, I turned my head and saw Aubrey asleep.. Lydia was on her phone.

I called for her. She looked up at me. She cocked an eyebrow at me and made eye contact with me.

I nodded. She came over nearly in tears.

"Can you hear me?" she asked.

"No.. but I can read your lips a little easier than feeling your face." I replied.

"Well at least you can see." she sighed. "Hopefully you can read Aubrey's lips.. I'm sick of interpreting for you two."

She was right, Aubrey and I were never able to get our communication techniques down. We both got frustrated and Lydia just had to translate what he was saying for me.

"I can show you OJ's card now." She suggested, pointing towards the nightstand beside the hospital bed. She handed me a paper folded in half. I admired the cover, the colors that until this morning I hadn't been able to see in weeks. I opened it, and saw a picture he'd drawn of him and I. I smiled down at it as the tears escaped my eyes.

She waved her hand in front of my face, I looked up and realized she was signaling that the nurses had entered the room.

The nurses both smiled and said something to Lydia, but I couldn't understand them because their heads weren't turned to me. Lydia smiled and nodded, then began speaking I noticed her motion towards her eyes and collected that she had told them that I got my vision back.

After the nurses had ran some tests, including a vision screening and an attempt at an audio screening they left. The doctor was said to check in on me later.

Aubrey woke up as if on cue. I noticed him lift his head so I called for him.

Lydia cringed, "You're loud Onika." She pretended to cover her ears, "We don't all have to be deaf together."

"Is this good?" I tried a lower voice, but I couldn't hear my self either way.

"Perfect." she gave me a thumbs up. Aubrey approached us and gave Lydia a look.

"Now you can see all the dirty looks he gives me all the time. Remember those?" Lydia teased.

I giggled and looked up at him, reaching my hand towards him.

"Yeah I remember.. you two fight like a married couple." I winked at him.

It became obvious that he wasn't amused.

"Babe relax.. its just a joke." I told him.

He cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Yes I can see you." I confirmed.

Lydia busted out laughing. He gave her an annoyed look.

"Babe.." I made eye contact with Lydia.

She nodded, "I'll go check in on OJ, I'll let him know you said hi."

"Thanks hun."

When she left, I sat up and looked at Aubrey, "Happy now? She's gone."

"I'm glad you got your vision back." he said and walked away. I got up and followed him.

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