174. You're opening up for them and he likes you, but you don't like him [ 2]

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You were to preform in two minutes, two minutes! And of course, you were nervous. You started your vocal warm ups and looked for Harry. Yesterday he had asked you out but you were unaware that he liked you. You could barely sleep last night because the scene just kept playing out over and over in your head. Maybe you did like Harry…… “ONE MINUTE!” you heard someone yell. You were shaking, you were that nervous. “Are you ok?” Niall asked as he walked past you. “Where’s Harry?!” you almost shout at him. “He’s over there” he says still taken a back. “ok thanks” you say running in the direction he pointed, you found Harry eating a banana in a back room. “(Y/N)?! You’re on in like less than a minute! What are you doing here?” he exclaimed. “I can’t go out there! What if I mess up! What if….” you started. But Harry cut you off by holding out his pinky. “You’ll do great (Y/N), I promise” he said. You locked your pinkies and felt relieved, those were really the only word you wanted to here. You sighed and calmed down. “Thank you I don’t know what I’d do without you” you said starting to leave. Harry smiled. “Oh and Harry?” you called out though you knew you had no time. “Hmm?” “I would actually love to go on a date with you” you said referring to his previous offer. “But…I thought…” he started but this time you cut him off. “We’ll talk later” you said. And with that you left your future boyfriend confused, but with a wide smile on his face.


Honestly now that Niall had admitted his little crush on you, you were starting to have a little crush on him too. I guess you didn’t notice how happy he made you, how much better of a person he made you, but now, now you saw it. But it was to late, you had already told him the opposite of how you really felt. You then got an idea. You finished your performance and brought the microphone to your lips. “Thank you so much guys! Now give it up for Liam, Zayn, Louis, Harry and of corse the were handsome, wonderful, and talented Niall!” you said. THe boys came out and Niall smiled at you. “Subtle, real subtle” Louis repeated. You laughed and started to walk back stage, but Niall quickly spun you around and kissed you passionately. You smiled in the kiss, while hearing the crowd cheer.


Today you had an interview, another one. It was a week or so after the first one, but you always got the same questions. “So how do you like being on tour with these lads” you were asked. “it’s a ton of fun, really” you said smiling. “are you at all crushing on any of them” the woman said. You giggled. You looked over at Liam, he was looking down, playing with a fuzz on his sleeve or something. “Well actually I do have my eye on someone….” you trailed off. Liam immediately looked up and you gave him a subtle wink. “Well you can’t just leave it at that!” the radio host said. You laughed “sorry but I don’t want to jinx it or anything….you’ll just have to wait and see” you said. Liam was staring at you, he seemed surprised. When the interview was finished you started to leave but Liam too your hand and stopped you. “So who’s this guy that you’ve got your eye on?” he asked smiling, he knew the answer. “Well his names Liam, I don’t know if you know him but he’s amazing” you joked. He laughed before leaning over and kissing you softly.


Since the day you tried to nicely reject him. He had been avoiding you, not making eye contact and not talking to you. Exactly what you didn’t want to happen. You were sick of this game, you missed him. “Louis?!” You called out he started walking faster so you ran to catch up with him. You then tapped his shoulder. “What do you wan-” he started but you cut him off by pressing your lips to his, “I’m ready” you breathed after pulling away. He smiled “Finally”.


Every time you started dating a close friend, it ended badly and  the friendship was ruined. It’s not like you didn’t like Zayn it’s just that you didn’t want to get hurt or ruin another friendship. But maybe you just needed to take a risk, you only live once right? “Hey Zayn can we talk for a sec?” you asked. Zayn stepped out of the room where the other boys were and into the hallway area where you were. “yeah?” he said. “So um, the last time we did our secret handshake you told me you were falling for me…and I said I didn’t wanna be hurt again…” you started. “Yeah, and I wont hurt you I swear” he assured you, honestly that was all you needed to here. “Well good” you say extending your hand out. The two of you did your handshake and at the end instead of pulling in for a hug, you pulled him in for a kiss.

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