104. You're Pouting

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Louis: Your favourite TV shows new series came out tonight and you were dying to watch it. You got home from work, had a shower and got changed before walking into the lounge to find Louis watching a football game. “Louiiiiiiiiiiis can you please change the channel to (your favourite show)” you whined “y/n” Louis whined back mocking you “this game is really good though” he said staring at the TV. You sighed sitting down next to him crossing your arms and pouting. The team Louis was supporting then got a goal and Louis jumped up cheering. When he turned to sit back down he saw your pouting face. Louis groaned knowing he couldn’t resist your pouting face and handed you the remote. Your face lit up with a smile. “Thanks Louis” you said reaching up and kissing his cheek before changing the channel to your show.

Harry: You and Harry were having a movie night. You really wanted to watch When Harry Met Sally but Harry wanted to watch The Avengers. You’d played Rock Paper Scissors to decide who would get to choose the movie. You had both one a game and you were on the deciding point “Rock Paper Scissors” you both said at the same time. You had done scissors and Harry had done rock meaning Harry won. “The Avengers it is” Harry said smiling standing up to set the DVD up. You crawled into bed pulling the covers up pouting. Harry looked over at you and saw you were pouting. “That’s not going to work Y/N” he said. You still sat there staring at him, pouting. You two stared at each other for a couple of minutes seeing who would crack first. “Fine. You win.” Harry said turning around to change the DVD. Your face cracked into a smile. “Thaaaaaaaank youuuuuu” you said happily.

Niall: You and Niall had decided to get a pet. With Niall being away a lot you got lonely and wanted to get a pet to keep you company while he was away. You got to the pet shop and ran inside looking over at all the pets. Your eyes locked on a maltese puppy. You walked over to its pen and a worker let you hold it. You fell in love with the puppy. “Hey Y/N I found the perfect pet” Niall called out. You put the puppy down and walked over to him standing by the goldfish. “Niaaaall” you whined. You really didn’t want a goldfish. You wanted something you could cuddle.  You grabbed Niall’s hand and pulled him over to the maltese puppy you had seen earlier. “Pleeeeaase Niall” you said playing with his hand. “I dunno Y/N. It’s a little small. Couldn’t we find a bigger one?” You looked up from Nialls hands pouting at him. “Come on Y/N that isn’t fair” you continued to pout. Niall let go of your hand and walked off to find a worker. You stared at the little puppy through the glass putting your finger on the glass where its face was. Niall came back with the worker opening the pen and letting you hold the puppy. “It’s yours now Y/N” Niall said. You smiled widely hugging Niall with your free arm, “I love you” “I love you too”. You two then went off to buy the necessities for a puppy.

Liam: You and Liam had been playing video games all day. You had kind of bragged about how good you were at video games but so far Liam had beaten you in every game you played. “Wanna play another game of fifa Y/N?” Liam asked. “Could we just watch a movie instead Li?” “Come on Y/N one more game. You’ll do better this time.” You shook your head. There was no way you were playing another video game and getting your butt kicked by Liam ever again. “One more game then we’ll watch a movie” Liam stated nudging the controller closer to you. “Liam you’ve beaten me in every game. I don’t wanna play anymore.” You whined. Liam pouted at you so you pouted back. You two had a pouting war for a couple of minutes to see who would break first. Liam couldn’t stand to look at your sad face any more and turned away. “What movie did you want to watch?” he asked. Your face broke into a smile before deciding on a movie. You gave Liam a kiss on the cheek before snuggling up to him to watch the movie.

Zayn: You and Zayn were painting your kitchen. You were at the paint shop going through the colour schemes when you found the perfect colour. “Zayn, what do you think of this?” You asked holding it up the pale green sheet to show him. “It’s alright but I think this light blue is nicer” he said showing you his colour. You shook your head. You didn’t want your kitchen to be blue because to you blue was a sad colour.  You kept looking through colours to find a colour you could both agree on. You didn’t like any of the other colours as much as you liked the pale green. “Babe can we please paint it this colour?” “Why can’t we paint it the pale blue?” “Blue is too sad of a colour to paint a kitchen.” You said. Zayn looked at the pale green sheet again but shook his head. “Pleaaaaase Zayn” you whined sticking out your bottom lip. “Y/N don’t do that.” Zayn said looking away. You continued to stand there and pout staring at the sheet.  After a couple of minutes of looking away Zayn turned to look at you and sighed. He went off and bought the pale green paint and came back to you. “I got the colour you wanted” Zayn said. You looked up at him and smiled before giving him a hug. You two then went home and painted your kitchen and Zayn ended up loving the colour.

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