157. You tell him to sleep on the couch

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"Seriously Harry?! Did you really just say that?!" You yelled. He didn’t answer. "You know what, then you can sleep right there tonight. I’m not in the mood to sleep next to an asshole anyways!” You said pointing to the couch and then stomping away. “Screw you…” He muttered just loud enough for you to hear. You threw some pillows down for him and slammed the door.


"(Y/N) I’m sorry!" He whined. "Niall this isn’t the first time this has happened, ok. There’s no point of saying sorry if you just gonna keep doing it" you said, starting to get more and more angry. You walked upstairs and off to your bedroom hoping to show Niall that you wanted to be alone, but he ended up following you there. "But (Y/N)-" "No Niall, stop. Just ugh…please… I don’t wanna talk to you. Sleep on the couch tonight." You said frustratedly as you passed him a blanket. Your eyes met his, they were deep blue, angry, and sad.  He just stood there staring at you in shock, hoping you would change your mind in that instant. "GO!" You shouted. He stormed away angrily.


Usually you found Liam’s protectiveness sweet, but at this point you were just annoyed. “I had no idea where you were!” He said. “You didn’t know where I was?! I’m not five I can handle myself!” You said. He gave you an angry glare, which only meant he had no good comeback. “You know what, why don’t you sleep on the couch tonight, so that you can catch me if I try to sneak out” you snapped. Liam sighed. “fine” he said flatly.


That night all you could do was toss and turn, it all felt so different without Louis presence. You sighed, got out of bed, and tiptoed downstairs to the large couch he was on. You lay down and made it so that he was spooning you and you took his hand in yours. “(Y/N)?” He asked groggily. “I’m sorry Louis, for overreacting, I love you ok.” You whispered. “I’m sorry too, I love you sweetheart” he said. You kissed his cheek and you both drifted back to sleep.


"Zayn I can’t even deal with this right now, please just go and sleep on the couch" you sighed, your hand on your aching head. Your anger was fading and now you were just tired of the back and forth. "(Y/N) please, I don’t want to fight anymore." he said taking your hand. "Lets just talk this out….I never want to go to bed without solving and argument." You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. "Ok let’s talk" you started.

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