8. You Have A Nightmare

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Harry:You watched as the infant crawled towards the busy highway. The arms holding you were those of your own husband Harry, who had a death grip on your body and wasn’t aware of the situation. There was nothing you could do as your own child inched closer and closer to the oncoming traffic. Just as you were able to rip Harry’s arms off your torso, the little girl crawled onto the pavement. You let out a blood curdling scream and an 18-wheeler came straight towards your baby…

“(Y/N)! Come on wake up!” You heard someone shout. Your eyes shot open and you searched your surroundings. There was no sign of what you has just saw. Harry was staring into your now teary eyes, concern written all over his face. You sat up and wrapped your arms around his neck as sobs began to rack your body. “What happened?” Harry spoke into your hair. “I had a nightmare where our baby was killed,” you sobbed.  “Oh baby,” he soothed. “But there’s nothing to be scared of. I know that we’re going to be excellent parents.” You pulled away and looked at him. He gave you a kiss before lying back down, bringing you with him. He pulled you against his chest and placed a big hand over your swollen belly. “I love you,” he whispered, kissing your forehead and the two of you fell into a peaceful slumber.

Liam: "LIAM!" you called into the darkness. You couldn’t see anything. Your whole world was black. "Somebody? Anybody?" you called out again. Nothing. Suddenly there was a noise. You weren’t sure what direction it was coming from but it was there. The noise was getting louder and louder. The sound sounded like an animal crying out in pain and you didn’t know what to do. You felt something brush against your leg and your vision was gone…

The next time you opened your eyes, you were in a familiar environment. Your bedroom. You shifted your gaze to where Liam’s sleeping figure was. You still couldn’t get the noise out of your head, so when a tree branch tapped your window, you jumped, accidentally waking up Liam. “Are you okay, babe?” he asked, voice heavy with sleep. “Yeah… yeah I’m fine. Go back to sleep.” Your voice was a whisper because at the moment you didn’t trust it. But Liam could read you like a book. He knew something was wrong. Your eyes started to water and Liam sat up. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. Bad dream?” You nodded and he sighed. He lied back down and pulled your body on top of his. He then started singing in your ear and before you knew it, you were fast asleep.

Niall: The footsteps got closer as you picked up the speed. There was nothing you could do to outrun the man who had chased you for what seemed like miles. No matter how many corners you turned or how hard to looked for a hiding space, there was just no way out. You were trapped. You tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and fell to your hands and knees. Strong arms wrapped around your weak body and you let out a terrified scream…

“(Y/N)!” Niall yelled, trying to control your body that was slashing around in his arms. Your eyes opened and you immediately calmed down when you looked into those familiar blue eyes. “Niall?” you croaked out, on the verge on tears. “Shh, princess it’s okay. I got you, you’re safe,” he cooed, pulling you into his chest and stroking your hair. Your tears subsided, but you remained in his arms. It was the one place where you knew you were safe. “Let’s go back to sleep, yeah?” Niall pulled you back towards the bed. He maneuvered his body so both his arms were comfortably wrapped around you. Finally feeling safe, you fell back into a dreamless sleep.

Zayn: The car was sinking quickly. Your windows were stuck closed and there was no way to get out. The water was rising quick and in no time, it would be above your head. When the water level reached your neck, you knew it was the end. You gave up trying to open your door. You started to cry, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to say goodbye to your loved ones and your boyfriend. The water was about to engulf your head and you let out one more breath…

Your body shot up as you gasped for breath. You clutched your chest, feeling it tighten up. You felt the bed shift beside you. “Are you okay boo?” Zayn asked, slowly sitting up. You shook your head and the tears began to pour out. Zayn started rubbing the small of your back and placed a small kiss to your temple. “It’s okay now, you’re safe,” he whispered into your ear and his hand moved from your back to your hair, where he was stroking it gently. After a couple of minutes of crying, you finally settled down. You settled back into bed and snuggled into Zayn’s chest. He continued to stroke your hair until the two of you both fell into a sound sleep.

Louis: "You can’t just leave without a reason Louis!" you cried to you boyfriend, who was half way out the door. "I guess I just found someone else… Goodbye (Y/N)," he said, walking out the door and out of your life. You followed him out the door and what you saw killed you. There was the love of your life walking away with some tall, skinny blonde. You could literally feel your heart shatter as you dropped to your knees and sobbed…

“(Y/N)?” you heard a voice call out. You opened your eyes to see Louis looking at you with eyes full of concern. “You were crying in your sleep babe, what’s wrong?” Louis said, taking you and puling you into his arms and placing kisses in your hair. “I-I had a nightmare…” you mumbled, burying your head in his T-shirt. “Awww, love do you wanna talk about it?” “You… you left me for a prettier girl.” He was quiet for a few seconds before you heard his sigh. “You know I would never do that… And there is no girl prettier than you,” he comforted. “I love you Lou.” You mumbled and just before you fell back asleep, Louis replied, “I love you too (Y/N).”

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