87. You Go Into Labor During Twitcam

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Harry: You’re sitting next to Harry on the couch, singing along to the song playing off Liam’s iPod. You feel a sudden gush between your legs and you shift, looking down to the dress you’re wearing with wide eyes. Liam continues talking to the fans watching his TwitCam but Harry has noticed your sudden discomfort. “You alright?” he asks, setting a hand against your swelled stomach. “I think my water just broke” you say and suddenly everyone is silent. A minute later everyone is moving, Liam is on the phone with the hospital and Louis is running for your bag. Zayn’s grabbing the iPod and some pillows while Niall grabs the snacks. Harry helps you up, breathing with you as your contractions hit and Paul appears. Liam rushes back in the room, waving to the fans before moving the cursor to close out of the TwitCam but not before seeing “#goodluck #welcomebabystyles” trending.

Liam: You’re leaning back against the headboard; your stomach ballooned out underneath your nightgown while reading the book in your hands. Liam sits beside you on the bed, laptop on his knees while talking on TwitCam. “We got a few more weeks to go and then baby direction will be here!” Liam gushes, scrolling through the comments while classical music in the background. “More like I got a few more weeks until I’m finally no longer super pregnant” you correct, looking over the top of your book through your maroon rimmed glasses. Liam rests his hand on your stomach as he continues his TwitCam, snapping his head to you when you double over. “I think… I’m in labor” you gasp, inhaling sharply through a painful contraction. He’s on the phone with Paul before you know it, running around the bedroom while looking for your go-bag. You sit on the bed as he moves around the room, watching as the comments start rolling through. You chuckle when he rushes out of the room “I guess he forgot that he needs me to take to the hospital for baby direction” you tease. “Sorry babes” he huffs, leaning over you to wave at the TwitCam before exiting out of it and shutting the laptop.

Niall: Niall is in the sitting room of the hotel room and you’re trying to sleep. The nine month swollen stomach makes that hard, too hard for you to find a comfortable position. You groan, rolling to your back before shifting up to lean against the headboard. Water rushes between your legs and you roll your eyes downwards. “Niall” you call, pressing your fingers into your tensing stomach. “Ni… NIALL” you shout, standing to make your way to the doorway slowly. “NIALL” you wheeze, gripping the door handle as another contraction hits and he’s by your side suddenly. “Are you in labor?” he asks and you nod. He helps you to the couch and sits you down before calling Paul. You wave to the TwitCam he’s been on, taking a deep breath before smiling “Looks like this baby’s coming early guys… luck of the Irish, huh?” you tease, watching as Paul steps into the hotel room to help you up. Luckily, Niall has already set the go-bag by the door and is prepared so all he does is exit out of the TwitCam, pack his laptop and lead you out of the door while grabbing the bag.

Louis: “Alright, who’s next?” Louis asks his Twitcam followers. He’d been calling fans for the last fifteen minutes while you sat up in bed flipping through another baby magazine. As he looks for another number to call you tense up as you feel the bed suddenly become wet. You lift the covers up, but before you could scoot around to see the wet spot you shriek in pain. Louis whips his head around, dropping his phone to be by your side. “What is it?” he asks. “He’s coming,” you say already out of breath. “Holy shit, uhhh…” he stutters as he paces across the room trying to figure out what to do first. “Louis!” you shout, “call the hospital, and tell them we’re on our way, and go start the car.” “Right!” he says running out the door to find his phone. You look over to his laptop on the desk and shake your head. “Sorry guys, but the Twitcam is going to have to end sooner than expected, baby’s on his way, and Lou’s already freaking out. Love you all, we’ll keep you posted!” You say waving bye to the fans as you wince in pain at another contraction.  

Zayn: The two of you were showing off your best ballroom dancing skills to the fans on TwitCam. It was more difficult than Zayn had expected, being as though you were nine months pregnant and he could barely fit his arms around you. As he twirls you around you hunch over in pain as a gush of water appears on the floor beneath you. “Oh my God,” he says looking down and then back into your eyes. “I’ll go get the bag and call the hospital,” he says running out of the room. “Umm, okay?” you say confused as to why he had just run off and not helped you out of the house. You shake your head, but grimace at the pain you’re experiencing. “Baby Malik’s on her way loves,” you say before blowing a kiss to the camera and shutting the laptop. You make your way to the hallway when Zayn emerges out of breath to help you down the stairs and out to the car.  

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