33. Christmas Time (Zayn)

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He wasn’t around, usually, when the carols started to play in the stores and the children would go to visit Santa in the malls. He wasn’t there, when you and your sisters would decorate the tree, and string Christmas lights around the place. He wasn’t there when your family went to go see you perform in your school’s Christmas play, or when they all went out Christmas shopping either. 
Zayn just wasn’t around very much; not since the band took off and all of a sudden, pictures of the boy from Bradford were hung up on the walls of every teenage girl’s bedroom. 
He usually wasn’t there on Christmas morning either, when magic was in the air, and the joy of Christmas was welcomed in your home. 
But, he was there this time; he made sure of it. 
He was sitting under the tree; the one you and your sisters had spent hours decorating. He’d been sitting there for a while now; since three in the morning, when he’d gotten off of his flight and arrived home. 
And, this year, the giant tree, or the presents under it weren’t the first thing that caught your eye when you came racing down the stairs, in your socks and pyjamas.
Zayn was; a grin on his face as he looked over at you. 
And, when you saw him, you didn’t move, or say anything, but just stood there with a blank expression of complete and utter shock.  
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get you anything; I know you wanted that new album by Your/Favourite/Singer but the stores were all closed last night and I-”
You cut off his excuses, rushing up to him and hugging him, wrapping your arms around him. 
He stops talking, and falls silent as he holds you, hugging you back, before whispering, ever so softly, “Merry Christmas, Y/N.” 

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