76. How Your Friends Respond To Him

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Harry: “Harry Styles as in… Harry Styles, Harry Styles?” you roommate asks and you nod. “And he’s coming here, to get you for a date?” she asks and you nod again. “How long have you been together?” she asks as she takes a seat on her bed. “A few months but we’ve just started going out in public since he’s home” you explain and she nods. “Can I, can I meet him?” she asks. When she meets him later that night, she stares wide eyed and star struck but keeps her cool.

Liam: “Wait… Liam Payne?” your friend asks when  you go home to visit for winter break. They hold up several photos of the boys, pointing out Liam as you nod. “You, holy shit! He’s famous, I knew one of us would marry someone famous” one of them says and you shake your head. “We aren’t getting married” you tell them. When you Skype later that night, your friends don’t even try to hide the fact that they’re peeking around the corner anxious to meet Liam Payne. He’s as charming as ever as he chats with them, before singing a few songs for them per their request.

Niall: “Hold up, the blond one?” your gay best friend asks and you nod. “He’s cute girl” he responds, flipping through the magazine on his lap as you roll your hair in hot rollers. “He’s coming here to get you?” he asks and you laugh. “This is my apartment” you tell him and he rolls his head to stare at you. “Well, I mean… doesn’t he have better laces to be than in this piece of shit apartment?” he says and you throw your brush at him. “He likes my piece of shit apartment” you counter and he chuckles. “I’m sure he does.” Later that night, even he can’t stop himself from being charmed by the blond Irishmen when he picks you up for your date.

Louis: After only a few weeks of dating Lou you realized who your true friends were. The jealously was just too much for you so you distanced yourself from them, and then eventually cutting them off all together. By the end of the weeding out process you were left with two really good friends that were always there for you no matter what. They also didn’t mind the perks of being best friends with a pop stars girlfriend, which you completely understood.

Zayn: After the news of your and Zayn’s relationship people from your past started showing up on a regular basis. You turned them away knowing they were only there for their 15 minutes of fame and the only ones you wanted in your life where your true friends, the ones that hadn’t changed since the news broke.

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