164. He has a nightmare

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It was the middle of the night and you thought you heard someone downstairs. Thinking it was a robber, you quickly turned to Harry to tell him, but he wasn’t there. You sighed of relief knowing it was only Harry downstairs, but what was he doing down there? you wondered. You grabbed your glasses and made your way downstairs. Where you found Harry watching cartoons on the couch, clutching a pillow. “Babe?” you said from behind him. He jumped and looked at you with a frightened face. “Harry are you ok? What are you doing down here?” you said plopping down next to him. He still seemed quite scared of something. He said nothing, he just fell into your arms. “Whats wrong Harry? Can’t sleep?” you asked. He nodded. “Bad dream?”. He nodded. “Do you wanna talk about it or no?”. He shook his head. The two of you cuddled there for the rest of the night, later you both fell asleep, cartoons still playing.


You were awakened by the bed shaking. You turned over to find Niall shaking and sniffling. “Niall? Are you ok?” you wondered putting a hand on his shoulder. He turned to you and shook his head. “Whats wrong?” you asked, concerned. “Nightmare” he croaked out. You noticed his eyes were red and puffy. You wrapped your arms around him, pulled him closer and rubbed his back, which you knew he loved. “Its ok sweetheart, its not real, it was just a dream” you whispered softly into his ear after kissing his cheek. He buried his head in the crook of your neck and the two of you stayed there until you both fell asleep.


You’re eyes fluttered open as you heard your boyfriend softly crying and sniffling. He was sitting straight up, his arms wrapped around his knees, staring at the wall ahead. He looked as if he had just been traumatized. “Liam, why are you crying?” you said, still a bit sleepy. He didn’t answer, but he seemed to try and hide the fact that he was crying. You sighed and sat up with him. “Why are you crying babe?” you asked softly, running your thumb across his cheek to wipe his tear. He turned to you with sad eyes and told you “I had the worst dream ever”. “Come here” you said widening your arms. He completed the hug but started to cry again. “I’m right here Liam, it was just a dream, I love you…” you whispered.


You quite weren’t sure how but the boys convinced Louis to watch scary movies with them that night. They invited you too, but you hated horror films so you stayed home.When Louis got home he seemed fine, he said he had fun and wish you would have come. You smiled and slid into bed, as did he. You were the only one who really knew that horror movies caused Louis to have bad dreams. You told him not to go, but you figured he didn’t wanna be a ‘chicken’ and not go. You fell asleep but weren’t at all surprised to find Louis tossing and turning that night. “Louis, whats going on?” you asked though you already knew. “Nothing…” he said. He tried to close his eyes but they shot back open. “Bad dream?”. He nodded. You held him close in your arms and stroked his hair gently. You wanted to say ‘I told you so’ really badly, but decided to wait until the next morning to make any jokes. Right now, Louis needed you to comfort him.


It was midnight, and you were studying at the desk, for an exam you had that week. Zayn was sleeping, of course. You were in the middle of reading a chapter of the book when you heard heavy breathing and a large gasp. You turned around to see Zayn kicking his feet and waving his arms, it was a terrible sight. You ran over to the bed and started too shake him frantically. “Zayn! Zayn! Wake up! Zayn!” you called out. His eyes quickly opened and widened. He looked around, as if he was unsure where he was. He was still breathing deeply. You climbed into the bed and hugged him tightly. His breathing seemed to slow down and he seemed now to be more calm.”You had a nightmare?” you asked. “Yeah I was drowning and there was no one there to save me…” he trailed off. “I will always be here ok?” you told him before kissing his forehead. You turned of the lamp and decided to stay in bed with Zayn.

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