Personal For JessHoran96

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Your P.O.V

" it real?" You ask stuttering upon the words almost.

"It was one time, but I was so stupid, please babe?" Niall pleaded his hand leaning against the dining room table. He was tilting to a side.

"You said you loved me?" You question, you wished he hadn't broken your heart. You were uttlerly in love with him, but you were on the urge of feeling that he wasn't.

"Jess no... I do!" Niall's voice became louder and much more angrier.

"Then why the fuck did you do it?" You scream at his 'fake' remark.

"I was drunk, please, Jessica, even if you don't forgive me and we end, then I'll never be the same without you, you've changed my life in a good way and I can't imagine a life without you, please, don't leave me."

His mini speech made you realise that, perhaps he is telling the truth.

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