30. You Break Up Without Him Knowing You Had Birth

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Harry: It has been a year since you left Harry. It wasn’t what you wanted but it seemed like the only resolution. You didn’t tell Harry you were pregnant because you were scared it would ruin his career. You loved him too much to do that.The brake up was horrible for both of you after 3 years of dating. Crying mostly. You now had a one year and a half little girl. Destiny. She was beautiful chocolate brown curls hang loose just above her shoulders, green eyes and big dimples when she smiled. “Mommy, mommy” your daughter Destiny called pointing at the swings in the park. “C’mon” you grabbed her placing her on the swings and pushing her slowly. She laughed. You smiled. You took a step back to watch her as she started to get the hang of swinging herself , when you made contact with another big figure. The intoxicating but amazing smell of male perfume filled your nostrils. “I’m sorry.” You looked up to see who it was. No. He smiled down at you. Harry. Your heart stopped. “Y/N” “Harry” Before he could speak you looked at the swing and destiny wasn’t there. “Oh my god” you started pacing. “Where is she?” Harry looked at you confusedly. “Destiny” you ran as soon as you spotted her. Lifting her up from behind Harry following behind you. “Don’t ever do that again. You scared mommy” you instructed to your giggling daughter. You had forgotten that Harry was right behind you. “So you have a boyfriend I see?” He asks hurtness covered his eyes. You shook your head “what do you mean?” “The father of erm Destiny?” You looked at the little girl who’s head was now resting on your shoulder sucking her thumb. “Can we sit?” You asked, he nodded. You started to shake nervously scared of what he would say. “Harry she’s ” “she’s yours” his eyes widen he’s stare not leaving Destiny. “Wha-at” “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to ruin you or your career” tears were now falling down you and Harry’s cheeks. Your daughter now asleep. “I wouldn’t care about that. If you had told me I would had been with you from the start. She’s my daughter.” “I-” he cut you off. “I love you and Destiny. You know I would want her Y/N.” he cried. “You have to understand it was hard for me I thought you would throw me out and not want her. I had to raise her even if it meant losing you Harry” he placed his hand on his little girls’ curls and started playing with them. “Don’t ever think I would reject you or my baby. When you broke up with me I was broken You said you didn’t love me. And this is the real reason you did. How are you doing it, I mean did you get a job?” “I did and my mom has been helpful. i really am sorry” he grabbed you hands inter-whining your fingers. “I’m here now don’t shot me out. I’m here for both of you. I love you and I can’t wait to spend time with Destiny” he smiled you cried harder leaning in for a kiss when you were stop by Destiny “who’s this” she barely talked. “Remember when I told you that you would meet daddy soon?” She nodded eagerly. “Well that’s him” you pointed at Harry. “I’m daddy” he smiled placing her on his lap. “Dawddy” she tried saying. You had your family now.

Niall: This was the 6th time of the week Niall came late. He had told you to cook dinner and promised that he would be home at 7 but it was 3 am. You were furious because tonight you were planning on telling him that you were pregnant. You had sneakily his the pregnancy test where the cutlery goes, so when he went to eat he would find it. But by now you had packed your bags and were ready to leave before he entered through the door drunk. “Y/N” he slurred pulling you by your waist. You pushed him away “bye Niall” you were tired of all the fighting and drunken nights. This was no environment for a baby. He just slumped to the couch to drunk to comprehend what was happening. You grabbed your bags and headed out. The next day Niall woke up with a massive hangover. He looked at the scene on the dinner table. A plate set for two. He furrowed his eyebrows. His lips lightly gazing the table and dishes. He smiled when he saw his favorite meal on the plates. Grabbing the napkin which was holding cutlery and opening it. When a pregnancy test fell out of it. He kneeled in front of it ‘+’ it read. A tear fell down his left cheek and he smiled. “Y/N” he shouted throughout the beautiful big house he shared with you. “Babe were -” he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw all of your belongings were gone. “Y/N?” He softly whispered. No sign of you. He fell to the ground against the cold hard wall. Crying to himself. He knew why you had left. It was his drunken nights and drunken fights. You wouldn’t come back.

Zayn: You had broken up with Zayn 2 months ago but you just found out you were pregnant. Zayn and you had called it quits because of the little time you got to spend with him because of his career. He was never home and you fell into a state where you just felt harassed. You were shocked when the test came out positive but you were willing to work it out for the sake of your baby, however you needed Zayn to raise this baby. You didn’t have money, or a stable home. But, most importantly this baby needed his father. This didn’t mean you had to get back together but you needed his support. You decided to visit him. You knocked on his door he rapidly answered. Throwing himself in your arms. You were surprised but you returned the affection. “I know” he whispered. You tensed in his arms. How? “Who told you?” He nuzzled your neck. “Your mom. I’m sorry for not being here enough but I-” he gulped “I promise to be here for the whole pregnancy and my child’s life. I’ll take some time off the band you’re more important. I love you and I’m here baby” for the first time since he started talking he made eye contact. He looked like hell. Both of you were crying. You leaned in to kiss him “I love you too” you giggled. “I can’t wait to meet the little baby who’s in here” he said rubbing your small but growing belly.

Louis: “So he is gone? A crying Louis asked. “yes, I’m sorry I should had told you” you cried. You found out a week ago that you had a miscarriage the baby boy you caries for 5 months was now gone. This was the first time he found out that you had been pregnant. You had left Lou a month after you took the test. You just didn’t think he would accept the baby because of the situation you guys were in. Him being in a successful band. But you made an excuse up about “we’re moving to fast I think we need a break.” “I should had been there. You should’ve told me. If I had been there he would still be alive. I’m sorry” He blamed himself for it. You placed your hands on his “No Louis there’s nothing you could have done I’m sorry for not telling you. I love you” your foreheads touched. “Me too, promise me that in the future we will try to have children?” He asked engulfing you in a big hug. “Of course” Yes you lost this baby but you knew that the future saved more for you and Louis.

Liam: After you guys broke up as a mutual decision the rumor started that you were pregnant. You ignored it knowing it was just a lame article. But you couldn’t help but to feel worried, so you took a test just in case. Not thinking to much of it you were relaxed until you saw the result. Positive. You cried for a whole straight week until you realized you couldn’t do this alone and that you had to decide what you were going to do. You needed to call him. Liam. You did. After the 3rd ring he answered. “Hello.” “Liam I’m -” your voice cracked he noticed your crying and instantly became worried “what wrong Y/N?” “I’m pregnant” he was speechless. Nervous. “We have options right?” You nodded even thought he couldn’t se you.

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