81. Family Twitter

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Harry: @gemmaannestyles: just hanging with my gumdrop @y/t/n

 @y/t/n: aww @gemmaannestyles is like, my fav styles ever, besides @anne42cox

@anne42cox: my two fav girls! @gemmaannestyles @y/t/n poor  Harry and Robin don’t even know what’s up tonight

Liam: @ruthpayne0990: someone tell @y/t/n to hurry up and get here! Need girl time.

@y/t/n: someone tell @ruthpayne0990 that I’m stuck in traffic #bootraffic

@ruthpayne0990: well, I’ll forgive you then! Me and Brit are waiting for you

Niall: @marurahgallagher: tnx to my daughter @y/t/n to fixing me up a twitter!

@y/t/n: @maurahgallagher no probs momma g! now we can talk all the time lol lucky @nialloffical

@maurahgallagher: @y/t/n @nialloffical he’ll love that! Me talking with the Mrs. at all times, oh wait… I already do! Lol

Louis: @JayTommo: @y/t/n When are you coming to see me?? xx #MissYou

@y/t/n: @JayTommo tell @Louis_Tomlinson to keep the house clean and I would have more free time =) xx

@JayTommo:@y/t/n @Louis_Tomlinson I’ll see you in a few weeks then bc that will never happen #MessyBoy xx

Zayn: @DoniyaMalikk: Totally wearing @y/t/n ‘s sweater she left over here last week. #SoCute #RunningOutOfThingsToWear

@y/t/n: @DoniyaMalikk it looks better on you anyways. We need to go shopping soon, I’m running out of clothes as well. xx

@DoniyaMalikk: @y/t/n Yes! Fantastic idea! #ShoppingSpree 

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