165. He meets your best friend

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"So we’re gonna meet up with Lucy for lunch ok?" you said to Harry. "Sounds good" he replied. You had spent the whole day showing Harry around your hometown, you hadn’t been there in months and you really missed your family and friends who still lived there. Around noon the two of you made your way to the local pizza place. "OH MY GOD!! (Y/N)!!!" Lucy screamed as you entered the restaurant. "HI LUCE!! How have you been?" you ask. "Great!" she said pulling away from the hug. "Lucy this is Harry, and Harry this is Lucy" you said. "(Y/N) talks about you all the time, its so nice to meet you" Harry says giving Lucy a quick hug. Lucy’s eyes widened "I could say the same thing about you!" she laughs. "Well you are my two favorite people” you chime in with a smile. You, Harry, and Lucy enjoyed your pizza and got along great. You all agreed that you all would have to meet up again soon.


 You and your best friend laughed alot…alottttt. All your other friends called you the giggle twins because you were always side by side, laughing your asses off. “I love him! he’s sweet, and caring, and super funny! He laughs almost as much as we do” you told your best friend Abby over the phone, she had just asked how your relationship was going. “Aww! When can I meet him?” she asked. “Soon! I promise, you know he’s busy!” A week later you had invited Abby over to have a movie night with you and Niall. “You must be the famous Abby (Y/N)’s always talking to” Niall says as he opens the door to your flat and inviting Abby in. “Yes that would be me” she says, obviously a bit starstruck. You greet Abby and start the films. “I’m hungry” “I’m hungry” Niall and Abby said at the exact same time, making you all laugh. “I love you guys” you said, getting off the couch to make some popcorn.


"Just to warn you she might fan girl bit, you were always our favorite" you warned. "Thats fine" Liam said chuckling. You were on your way to meet your best friend Jenna for a meal. Because you got to the restaurant before she did, you got a table and waited for her to arrive. "Jenna!" you said with a smile. "Hey love! Its so good to see you" she said giving you a quick kiss on the cheek and a hug. "Hi Liam" she said shyly. She game him a small hug and slid in to the booth. The three of you were having a good time until you and Jenna started looking back on some old memories. "Oh my gosh remember, hats and tacos?" Jenna asked sending you into a fit of laughter. It was an inside joke that you used to say all the time. You stopped laughing after seeing Liams frown, he felt left out. You decided to stop talking about old inside jokes and ended up with a few new ones between the three of you.


You loved Louis and Grace, your bff, more than anyone else but you were extremely nervous for them to meet each other. “Why are you so nervous babe?” Louis said putting his hand on you shaking leg. “I’m not nervous” you lied. Louis raised his eyebrows, “(Y/N) I know you can never sit still when you’re nervous” Louis said glancing at your knee, which was still shaking. “Ok I am Nervous, but its just…I love you both so much and if you don’t like each other I may just die.” you blurted out. Louis laughed “Don’t be silly, I’m sure she’s great”. “Ok lets go” you say stepping out of the parked car and walking up to the building of Grace’s flat. Shortly after you knocked on the door Grace swung it open. “(Y/N)! LOUIS!” she yelled giving you both bone crushing hugs. “Did I mention that Grace is hugger?” you laughed. “No, you didn’t” Louis replied smiling. “Its great to meet you Grace” “You too!”. As the night went on your nerves calmed, everything was going great. You and Grace started telling some old stories about you childhood together. “Actually I’ll be right back” Grace says running upstairs. She returns with a picture “This was our first sleepover” she says laughing at the crazy outfits you were wearing. You put your hand to you forehead. “Oh my goodness Grace! Aren’t moms the ones who pull out the embarrassing photos!” you giggled. “Can I get a copy of that?” Louis asked jokingly.


"So are you Zayn official yet?" Valerie asked you. "Yes were are" you reply with a cheesy grin. You had invited Valerie, your bestie from back home, to come over to your flat and catch up because you hadn’t seen her in over two months! "Aww" she cooed. "Yeah…last week he asked me to move in with him, so I’ve gotta finish packing up this place. you said gesturing to your half empty flat. Valerie nodded."Hey, do you wanna meet Zayn?" you asked, breaking the awkward silence. "I thought you’d never ask!" Valerie exclaimed. You and Valerie decided to meet up with Zayn for ice cream around 7. The night started out really awkward. "So.." you said after introducing them and ordering three ice creams. "How was your day?" you asked Zayn. "Good.." he replied, taking a lick of his vanilla cone. "So um.. how long have you two been friends?" he asked. "four years" Val says. Eventually Valerie and Zayn started to warm up to each other. Before the night was over anyone else would have guessed that the three of you had known each other since birth.

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