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"Eh, yeah, sorry about the other day, thank you for taking care of me," Soo Yeon said solemnly, Following up with a head bow, which made Ga Eun acknowledge her education.

She was polite, pretty, and young, too young, Ga Eun reassured herself.

"Soo Yeon,ー" Jun Ho started.

"I work here part-time, okay, so what will it be?" Soo Yeon said, a little stressed by the customers who made a little trail behind the couple.

Jun Ho wanted to question Soo Yeon more, but she seemed fine, and that was all Jun Ho cared about for the moment. They finished by ordering and went to sit down. Ga Eun could not help but feel as if she had lost Jun Ho, who discreetly glanced towards the counter following Soo Yeon's movement.

"You are weird sometimes, do you know?" Ga Eun said.

"Why do you say that?"

"You look like a jealousy big brother stalking his little sister," Ga Eun replied.

"I must look like an idiot," Jun Ho said.

He changed his posture leaning closer to the table to give Ga Eun all his attention.

"No, it's cute," Ga Eun said as she twirled the straw of her strawberry latte.

"I think I always wanted to have a sister or sibling." This fact was correct. Being an only and misunderstood child, Jun Ho had often wished it.

"I remember, you used to be very fond of the Seo daughter. I used to be jealous."

"I'm repeating myself, but they were like an extended family. Their temperament was in accord with mine. Kyung Gi treated me like a brother, and I wanted to be."

"You could have been; my mother told me your father used to fancy on Kyung Gi's mom."

"Yeah, I heard about it too. I thought it was a big secret."

"It is; my mother told me never to mention it in front of your father or mine." Ga Eun said, laughing and drastically stopping as she saw Jun Ho furrow his eyebrows in worry. "What's wrong?"

"I miss them, and I can't get over the fact that none of them are alive anymore," Jun Ho said, throwing another glance at the counter where Soo Yeon sold her twitch of a smile to every customer.

"It's not your fault Jun Ho no one was capable of doing anything. The public was furious; no one even dared to go to their funeral; everyone was scared to be labeled."

"It must have been horrible for them."

"If the only NETIZEN existed back then, perhaps things would have gone differently. Maybe Seo Gwan Gi would have had a fair trial," Ga Eun said.

"I can't believe you just said that. NETIZEN's chamber isn't justice! Why does everyone assume Black Moja can solve everything?"

Ga Eun's enthusiastic opinion about the woman with the Jeonmo hat irritated him.

"Because that's what NETIZEN and her have been doing while the prosecutors and courts let people off because they are wealthy or they have too many connections. In dark times people need a hero, and that's how some people perceive the Moja. I'm sorry if I upset you, but it's my conviction," Ga Eun said, sitting up straight in her chair to affirm her statement.

"I'm not upset; I'm just surprised that a woman as smart as you can be corrupted by NETIZEN."

"You accord me too much wisdom, I'm just human, and human nature is unpredictable. One doesn't need much stimulation to change for the worse. Pain and constant suffering harden the heart transforming it into rock," Ga Eun said.

Jun Ho immediately analyzed the woman's words, which he transposed on Soo Yeon. Hye Mi was now a rock called Soo Yeon, but he would fight to break her walls and bring back the girl he knew no matter what.

He owed it to Kyung Gi, who loved his sister unconditionally. Kyung Gi had told him Hye Mi always worried them. Hye Mi had asthma and allergies; she could not eat what she wanted. She had talked so late that they thought she was mute. Kyung Gi always showed deep concern, so Jun Ho came to worry about the child's well-being.

The man could not accept this other personality of hers who played with fire by working for the controversial website.

Ga Eun observed him as he pondered until the moment their eyes met.

"I'm sorry, Ga Eun, I spoiled your evening; it wasn't exactly what I had planned."

"It wasn't exactly what I expected either, but I'm happy to spend time with you wherever, whenever."

"Wow, that's direct!"

"Jun Ho, I don'tー."

Ga Eun was lost for words. What could she say without sounding eager?

"Ga Eun, do you really want to marry me?" Jun Ho asked in anticipation.

Jun Ho took the lady off guard, it was a sly blow, and it was challenging to make a comeback.

"Do you want to marry me?" she returned, playing it safe.

"I'll be lying if I said I've never thought or desired it," said Jun Ho making the woman smile.

"Same for me," Ga Eun replied.

"It isn't appropriate. I mean, talking about this in a café, it's not what a girl dreams of, right. I'm lame."

"No, you're not. Your imperfections are perfect."

"Stop it; you're making me blush. Ga Eun, if you carry on, I'll have to push the marriage forward before spring."

"I think I'll carry on," Ga Eun said with a grin.

Jun Ho was relieved, like most men, he had met another woman. But he had always known he would end up with Ga Eun. The reciprocity of their feelings comforted him.

Soo Yeon watched the two smile at each other; it must be good to live in their world. A world where one could love without fear, trusting, and being happy thought Soo Yeon. She did not envy them; the teen pitied her sad existence.

Jun Ho took Ga Eun home, and it was without much surprise the girl stepped up to kiss him before going inside. It was a slow and tender kiss. A kiss that transpired the love she withheld for him. It sealed the promise of their marriage, which was long-awaited. Yet when they broke away, Jun Ho walked to his car with the sensation of having betrayed someone.

And someone was himself.

 투 비 컨티뉴드>>>>To be continued 


The question in this chapter is who is rebooting what?

This chapter is the true filler because I realized my man Jun Ho promised a date to Ga Eun. 


 Music:  G2 feat. GRAY and Simon DOMINIC comfortable

Thank you for reading

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