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Seoul, CNH café

As always, Soo Yeon followed her daily routine. Patched up like a mummy under her clothes, she served her famous lip twitch to customers at the CNH Café's counter.

Keeping up with this life was her sanity check; it allowed her to remain connected with humanity.

Lee Rim, who had taken days of work after the tragic night at L'Hexagone, was back at work. The college student couldn't shake off the idea that Oh Seong Won took the pill initially meant for her. If the boy hadn't swallowed it in her place, she would have been in his coffin.

"Are you okay, Lee Rim?" Asked Soo Yeon.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

The college student wasn't her perky self, but Soo Yeon knew that cheerful Lee Rim would surface again with life's daily routine. All she needed was time.

Lee Rim poured brewed coffee when a certain young man stepped up to the counter. The girl stood paralyzed.

It was him, the dealer she could never forget his face. In shock, she identified a guy with less narrow eyes. It frustrated the police for the photo she picked was of a police officer who happened to be on vacation with his family in Jeju Island.

But now, before her stood the real culprit.

"Lee Rim," yelled Soo Yeon, who watched the tray under the cup leak with coffee.

"Omo, I'm sorry," Lee Rim said. The girl trembled, "I'll clean it up," the man ordered and went to sit down his eyes, observing the counter.

The college student kept quiet as anxiety and fear swept over her. She convinced herself it was a trick of her imagination which overflowed. After the incident, Lee Rim kept imagining drug lords and thugs would come to get her. She finished work after Soo Yeon, who rarely closed the CNH being a high school student.

Lee Rim hurried when she separated ways from the two other girls with whom she finished work. After a few minutes of walking, she heard the sound of rubber steps behind her. The girl turned only to see a racing bicycle and its rider, who shouted at her for obstructing his way.

Scared, she walked faster; the squeaking footsteps began again.

This time when she turned, she fell upon a tall man.

"Agassi, do you remember me?"

"No, I don't know who you are," Lee Rim said with the intent to flee, but the man caught her arm and covered her mouth, pulling her into darkness. Marc told him to silence Lee Rim for good. Otherwise, they would sell him out.

The French chemist gave him his new creation Cobalt Mirage, a liquid that was not on the market for the formula that was still unstable, and the effects were more devastating than Nirvana Blue.

Odorless and colorless when mixed with other liquids, Cobalt was too destined to become the next Nirvana Blue, but Koreans liked things in pretty packages, and so Marc had yet to find a way of marketing his new monster. He also needed testers, and Lee Rim seemed to be the perfect nuisance for it.

Byeon Tae Won dragged Lee Rim away. The girl fought, but he had more strength. He pulled the syringe which Marc prepared for him. The instructions were simple the idle placement for the shot was the thigh, where it would look like a giant mosquito bite. If that were impossible, the nip of her neck would do, but the aspect of the prick could raise suspicions if found.

"Stop moving, or I'll kill you," Tae Won whispered in Lee Rim's ear. The man's voice disabled her. He held her back from behind with one hand, gagged her mouth, and used the other to tilt her neck.

Why couldn't she have her hair attached in one of those donut-looking hairstyles he saw everywhere? Tae Won thought as he pushed over the mass of black hair, which delayed him.

He was about to strike her with the needle when something hit him hard on his back.

Tae Won turned to look at his aggressor while trying to hold on to Lee Rim, who pushed her head aside as she saw his attacker raise pepper spray to his face making him let go of Lee Rim. The girl went to cough and recuperate her breath on the side. Tae Won on his knees, the stranger swept him to the ground with a face kick, which knocked him out cold.

Lee Rim followed the scene in dismay when she finally thought of recognizing her savior.

"Soo Yeon-a, is that you?" she exclaimed. The woman wore the same clothes as her colleague, but she kept her hood, making it difficult to see her face in the night light. Lee Rim, like many, had heard of a person who helped people victim of night attacks. Some said it was a man, others a woman. The person was sometimes depicted as being short, other times as being tall. It was an urban legend that Lee Rim was discovering was true.

Lee Rim's woman watched silently as her savior tied the man up.

"Call the police," the muffled voice of the stranger who wore a black pollution mask said.

Lee Rim executed the order and made the call.

When the police arrived, Lee Rim stood alone. She described her savior as a man of medium height, dressed in black and in his twenties. The girl had no intention of killing the myth.

Lee Rim was thankful once again; God was on her side; she had escaped death twice. She owed her savior, and so she made up her tale to let the myth become a legend.

투 비 컨티뉴드>>>>To be continued


Sorry, it's a small chapter.

As we gain freedom in some fields, we are chained by new monsters. I don't have the power or the money to change the world, but I hope our words as writers reach out to the world somehow. NETIZEN is a small wattpad story, a satire of the world. There are things between the lines. I hope you'll see them.

What happened to Nam Gyu Min?

What did he have to say?

Does anyone have an idea?

I put in a little action in the end. I had our Soo Yeon play Batman. Poor Soo Yeon, between her fight with Jerome and this, the poor girl must be a wreck. I make her give many kicks because since she's small, her legs have more power than her fists.

Also, engaging her upper body isn't the best, especially when fighting men who can quickly grab and contain her. I haven't added many fighting scenes because they are pretty complicated for me to depict. I hope the few sequences you've had so far weren't too annoying.

Music: MOBB Full House

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