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WARNING: This chapter depicts an attempted sexual assault and is not suitable for younger audiences.

Three years ago, Hongdae.

"There she is."

Hye Mi ran, she was out of breath and her lungs burnt, but her life depended on her sprint. The men closed in from both sides of the ally.

"Oh 새끼 고양이 [saeggii goyangi=kitten], did you really think you would get away from us?"

There were four; two grabbed Hye Mi, who fought only to receive a blow in the stomach. The impact made her crumble two the ground, where the two guys pinned her down. One held her legs while the other held her hands over her head.

She wiggled like a worm trying to break free.

The third guy, who couldn't stop smirking, took out his phone while their leader held his speech.

"You see what goes around, comes around. Your old man got his thrills sending other people's daughters to become meat. Now it's your turn; you're lucky though you've got four good-looking guys to honor the ugly you. It's a chance of a lifetime."

Hye Mi screamed, but one of the guys slapped her into silence. In shock, she watched the leader come and kneel between her legs.

Why had she worn her school uniform when she hadn't set foot there for the last two months?

"Aish, doesn't anyone of you have a bag or something; I don't want to see her face."

The phone holder who filmed the scene took a handkerchief out of his pocket with his free hand and gave it to the leader. Who covered Hye Mi's face.

Hye Mi remained motionless, paralyzed with fear, and waiting for her punishment. Her only at that instant was being Seo Gwan Gi's daughter. A mummy who had to pay for her father's crime. These men intended to rape her; it was their justice and sanction. Hye Mi cried silent tears under the cloth, which resembled a burial shroud. The young girl wept as she felt the man's sweaty hands make their way to her knickers, yanking them down to her ankles.

She could hear them laugh.

The one holding her hands insisted on being second.

The orator was on top of her, using his hands to direct his organ. Hye Mi felt it, wet and sticky as it knocked on the walls of her thighs, trying to find its way.

How to die twice?

In her eyes, it was not her life that flashed but the last three months where she lost almost everything. A tragic final, they were about to strip her of the last ounce of human dignity she had.

Hye Mi stopped her breath, hoping to die from its shortage before the guy slugged his way into her. It was just a matter of seconds; the man breathed heavily. Hye Mi smelt the breath filled with garlic, kimchi, and Soju, which wilted her vitals. In ten, nine, eight—counted the girl who had already let her soul escape leaving its shell of a body.

Hye Mi wanted to pray but felt unworthy of calling God's name.

Would he listen to her?

Could he help the daughter of a sinner who probably walked in the abyss of purgatory for having taken his own life?

Suddenly the flashing light of the telephone's camera disappeared. Everything was dark under the cloth covering the young girl's face.

"Ya, where's the light?"

There was no response. Hye Mi only perceived sounds of quick-shifting and metal.

"You will pay 씨발새끼," was the last word Hye Mi heard.

Someone took the cloth off her face; she only saw the person's messy hair before passing out.

"Oy, Oy, wake up! Don't die! Aish tchin-cha-ish!"

The girl didn't know how this encounter would change her life from dark to black.

Hye Mi woke up on something soft, a sofa. She sat up and instinctually touched her body everywhere to check everything was in place—the areas where they slapped and punched hurt.

The room was dark; the only light came from the multiple screens on a desk, where someone sat back turned to her. Hye Mi's movements didn't seem to distract him. Still seated, she let her eyes roam around. She appeared to be in a basement. The place was jam-packed with hardware and was excessively warm.

In front of her stood a coffee table with her bag on it. Hye Mi checked its contents; nothing seemed to be missing. Next to her laid a flowered cover that she had taken of when she woke up. Judging from what she observed, the person had saved her.

"Oh, you're awake. I really thought you were dead," the person said without turning to face her.

"On the table, you have those saeggi's [bastards] identification information on the papers I printed."

Hye Mi took the four sheets, photo, name, phone number, and address, everything about them was there.

"How did you—."

"For your safety, it's better if you don't ask too many questions. With what you have, you can go to the police and get them locked up. Wow, that was so dirty. I swear I got goosebumps when I witnessed what they were about to do, guhuhuh." The man said and shuddered to the memory of the scene.

Hye Mi got up and walked to where he sat. On his screens were Hongdae's streets, and they kept shifting locations.

"You saw me from here?"

"Yeah, I had to shift a few CC's to understand, but when I got the pic, I headed out."

It didn't seem like a legal operation. Why was he surveilling the area?

"You're welcome."

"I didn't say anything," answered Hye Mi.

"Wow, kids these days, a thank you wouldn't hurt," the guy said as he finally turned to face her.

He dyed his hair in the wackiest colors, and Hye noticed the tattoos on his hands and fingers filled with rings. He was in his twenties, perhaps a little older, but his baby face confused the stats.

"Thank you," Hye Mi said, waiting for an answer.

"I did my part already," he answered and turned back to his monitors, "to go out, just follow the corridor take the stairs, and you're free. Good luck in life, chal-gayo.

투 비 컨티뉴드>>>>To be continued    


How was the chapter? I know it was hardcore at the beginning. Please forgive me.

If anything is unclear, please don't hesitate to ask questions. I'm fully aware people's interpretations differ, and what seems clear to me might not be for you.

Music: I hear you. The track, in the end, has nothing to do with the chapter. It's Jay park's song Metronome. Jay Park is the person I'm using to illustrate Jared's appearance, and this song is one of the first tracks I liked from him back in the day. He must thank GRAY😍 and Simon Dominic, who gave flavor to this hit.

Thank for reading

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