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Soo Yeon had to think fast. Su Jung couldn't go to jail even though he had his wealth and a probable armada of lawyers to defend him.

Overwhelmed by her guilt Soo Yeon wanted to help not only him but the victims.

She saw the pending requests, but she was too caught up in her vendetta to take care of the 101.

Life is so ironic, Soo Yeon laughed at Min Ha's stress, but she now felt the anger of being disgraced.

Human nature, you barely care until the same thing happens to you or a loved one.

What was she to do?

Soo Yeon wanted to see Su Jung; she headed to the only place in Seoul she swore never to step foot again.

Seoul, Gangnam Police Station

Jun Ho ran to the cyber criminality department when he heard they caught a suspect for the 101 memes Gif. The Inspector wanted to see the man who dared tarnish the image of Soo Yeon and so many other girls.

Inspector Kang was surprised to see the culprit occurred to be the boy who kissed Soo Yeon. At the same time, it seemed to steal things from people was the young man's hobby, Jun Ho thought as he remembered how Soo Yeon described the kiss.

The Inspector stood behind the glass and listened to Su Jung's interrogation.

"So, Kim Su Jung Ssi, why did you create this site?"

"Listen, the site isn't mine. Some sunbaes approached me in my first year. They asked me to set up a dynamic site and a server network that could support images. At the time, I didn't know what the site would host. I started the construction, but I stopped because I had something else to do."

"What did you have to do?"

"Help someone. I didn't finish the conception."

"Then who did?" the Inspector asked.

"It's the vice principal's son."

"Why didn't you alert the police the site has been online for a while, causing mayhem, and you just sat back and carried on with your life?"

Su Jung didn't know what to reply to them. He couldn't say he was too occupied with other duties to take care of it. Protecting her was more important to him.

Also, Su Jung knew he would go down with the other boys for contributing to 101's creation.

"You see, Su Jung Ssi; I would believe you if the routers didn't have your IP number figuring."

"Inspector, you know as well as I do people can steal IP's. It's no big deal; Bo Dong set me up. Please believe me; I mean, I don't have a reason to do something like this."

A knock on the screening room's door startled Jun Ho, who focused on the interrogation.

"Inspector Kang, a young woman, is looking for you."

Ga Eun didn't do surprise visits anymore since she understood he was a little uncomfortable with her coming to his workplace.

Who could it be?

Jun Ho didn't see another woman coming to see him. His eyes widened when they recognized a familiar sulky expression.

"Soo Yeon, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see a friend."

"A friend? You mean the guy who stole your first kiss and made you a pin-up on a trashy website?"

"Su Jung didn't do it."

"Ah, n°4," Jerome said, peering over Jun Ho's shoulder.

Jun Ho turned and gave Jerome a smoldering stare, which pushed the man to lift his hands in protest.

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