Chapter 88

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"Get your feet off the table," I heard Sam say from the lounge. I was popping popcorn for movie night. "GET YOUR FEET OFF THE FUCKING TABLE!"

I sighed and walked in to see what was going on. Bucky was rubbing his bare foot over the wooden coffee table. In retaliation, Sam was taking up most of the couch, forcing Bucky onto the arm.

Rolling my eyes, I said, "James, take your feet off the table, Samuel, let James onto the couch."

"Yes, ma'am," they muttered in unison.

"Now, I'm gonna go get the snacks. You two behave."

I walked back in the room and saw Kate perched on the counter with a bag of chips. "The boys fighting again?"

I grabbed the popcorn and some bags of add-ins. "Yeah. Can you carry the lemonade in?"

She hopped off the counter and grabbed the bottle. We walked in to see the boys slapping each other. I rolled my eyes and walked up behind them, slapping them upside the heads. "Stop it!" I jumped onto the couch and put myself in between them. Katherine put the DVD in.

"What did you pick?" I asked.

"Suicide Squad."

I shoved a handful of popcorn in my mouth. "Cool."

"I love that the rest of the team is out on a mission," she said. "It's so quiet."

"Yeah. Wait. Where are the kids?" Bucky asked. "Steve didn't want to bring them."

A rush of air blew passed my face and the popcorn disappeared in a whirl of blond and blue. I rolled my eyes.

"Bring it back, Pietro," i said. The boy groaned and handed the bowl to Sam. "Thank you."

"Why didn't you invite us?" Peter whined.

"Well, for one" Katherine said, holding up a finger, "you should be at school. Two," she held up another one, "the twins should be at college. And three," she held up a third, "we didn't want to." She grabbed her keys off the hook on the wall. "I'm driving you kids to school. Get in the car."

"Kaaaate," Peter whined. "We don't wanna."



They went down to the car and I flopped down on the couch. "So, what do you want to do until she gets back?" I asked the boys.

"Rematch," they said in unison.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "You're on."

We set the game up and grabbed controllers. Bucky picked the track and we started the race.

"NO NO NO DON'T YOU DARE!" Sam yelled at me after I got a plant.


We played a couple rounds and continued screaming at each other. After the 25th round, we heard someone clear their throat. Kate was standing in the door with bags of Chick-Fil-A. She threw a couple bags at us.

"You guys have a problem."

"We know," Bucky muttered, jerking the remote.

Kate walked over to the tv and turned it off. We all groaned.

"Kate, we were in the middle of a round!" I whined.

"You three are too competitive with that game. I'm taking it and hiding it."

"I-" I began.

"In a vibranium box!"

I huffed and crossed my arms. "You're no fun."

She took the disk and said, "Oh, well. Play the movie."

We sat and watched the movie for a while until we heard the door open and the team laughing. Sam sighed and turned the movie off.

"Great. They're back."

"Yay," we groaned.

- - -

A few months passed and I finally finished law school. Tony decided to throw me a huge graduation party. I threw on some sweats and hid in the gym, deciding to work out instead of go to the stupid party.

"Monica?" I heard Tony say as the door to the gym opened.

I groaned punched the dummy. "What?"

"Come join the party!" He slurred, already drunk. "It's fun!"

I rolled my eyes. "No, thanks. I'm good." I kicked the punching bag. "Don't feel like getting drunk."

"Aw, boo," he whined. "Oh, well." And with that, he turned to head back up the stairs. I heard a crash and assumed he fell. I rolled my eyes and continued my workout.

"Miss Capello?" FRIDAY said.


"There is a mission available. The rest of the Avengers seem too incapacitated to go."

I sighed. "Alright. Give me like five minutes to suit up."

- - -

I was flying the quinjet to some place in northern Canada. There was HYDRA intel somewhere in Ivvavik National Park. I landed the jet and grabbed my extra knives.

"Now, if I were a HYDRA agent, where would I hide intel?" I muttered, nudging the snowy ground with my toe. I walked slowly, continually nudging the ground. "Aha!" I said, my foot hitting a metal box. I dropped down and pushed the snow away, regretting not having gloves. "Now, How do I open you?" I muttered. I turned the box over in my hands. "There's not going to be anything electronic because then it would freeze. Having a key would make the most sense, yet be the easiest for an enemy to open. Unless..." I flipped the box over and saw three different key holes.

"There was more than one lock," someone said from behind me.

I pushed myself up and turned around, slowly sliding my knives into my hands.  "Exactly," I said, facing the HYDRA agent. "You're gonna let me go."

"And why would I do that?" The man asked, pulling a knife from his belt.

I smiled. "Because it's either that, or I kill you."

"Try me."

"Alright, you asked for it." I charged at the burly man, ducking when he swung at me. I kicked the backs of his legs and rolled around to face him. He swung at me with his knife hand. I went to move out of the way, but I wasn't face enough. He sliced my suit from my shoulder to my belt. "That was really ducking rude!" I said, stabbing the agent in the leg. He crumpled and I kicked him over. "Tell your boss her daughter says hi." I grabbed the box and jogged back to the get, sighing when the door closed. "FRIDAY, put the plane on autopilot please."

"Yes, Miss Capello."

Heartlessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें