Chapter 56

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Obviously, I couldn't just let Monica try to get in on her own. I called Tony.


"Stark! I know how you can apologize to Monica!"

"I'm listening."

I told him about Monica trying to get into law school and all the details of it. "So, if you write a letter of recommendation, I'm sure she'll want to move back. Just... Don't mention that I told you. She doesn't want help getting in."

"I'm working on the letter as we speak."

"Yeah, okay, great. Just be warned, she might be a bit pissed at first."

"Please, she's almost always pissed at me."

"Good point. I'm gonna go tell the guys."

"Alright, b-"

I hung up before he finished. I jogged to the gym, where Steve and Bucky were training.

"Guys, guys!" I shouted. They stopped sparring and turned to me. "Okay, so you can't let her know I told you, but Monica is trying to get accepted into law school."

"What? That's great!" Steve said loudly.

"Shhh!" I hissed. "Quiet down! She doesn't want anyone to know yet."

"What? Why not? It's not like she's hiding some huge secret like a boyfriend or something."

"Yeah, I know. But she feels that the more people that know, the more she'll get her hopes up and the more disappointed she'll be if she doesn't get in."

"That's insane, of course she'll get in!" Bucky said.

"And we all know that, but Monica struggles with her self worth," Steve said. "Hey, you two hungry?"

We went up to the kitchen and heard rattling and crashing. Steve pushed the door open and we saw Monica digging through the cabinets.

Bucky cleared his throat. "Uh, Mon?"

Her head whipped around. "What did you call me?"

We all took a step back.

"I called you Mon. Why?"

"Don't." She continued rifling through the cabinets.

"Monica, what are you doing?" I asked her.

She sighed. "If you must know, I sent in an application essay to a law school. Now I'm going to stress eat until I get an answer."

"Monica, we've talked about this," Steve said.

"If my essay wasn't perfect, I won't get in." She grabbed a jar of Nutella and a spoon. She walked out of the kitchen and went up to our room.

Steve, Bucky, and I looked at each other. God, Bucky's eyes were beautiful.

"So, who's gonna go talk to her?" Steve asked.

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