Chapter 94

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"Grandma, why don't I have baby pictures from before I was one?" A five-year-old Monica asked her Italian grandmother while eating her lunch.

Her grandmother froze. Should she lie to her granddaughter? She was too young to understand the truth. She'd understand when she's older.

"You were very sick as a baby and spent the first year of your life in the hospital."


"Hey, guys, I'm gonna go visit my grandmother. I'll be back in like a week," Monica yelled through the compound.

"Wait, Italian or American?" Clint asked.


Clint looked at me and pouted. I sighed. "Yes, I'll bring back some pasta."


"Oh, can you bring back a  tiramisu?" Tony asked.

"Sure," I sighed. "See ya." I waved to the team and walked down to the garage. I groaned and slid into the van.

I drove for two hours before getting to my grandmother's house. She lived in a small town and didn't really associate with others, mostly because her English was spotty at best. She worked from home and didn't go outside much.

I walked up to her apartment and knocked rapidly on the door. I heard the locks come undone and she opened the door.

(A/N: Everything Monica says to her grandmother is in Italian, when she's talking on the phone, it's English)

"Monica!" She pulled me in for a hug. "What a lovely surprise."

When she let go I looked her in the eyes. "You lied to me. Why did you lie to me?"

She sighed and stepped away from the door, allowing me to come in. I flopped on her well-worn couch and rubbed my temples, hoping to relieve my constant headache.

"Would you like some Tylenol?" My grandma asked.

I shook my head. "It doesn't help. I'll take some coffee though." She went back to the kitchen and my phone started ringing. I sighed and pulled it out of my pocket. It was Tony. "What, Stark?"

"Uh, so, Katherine's mad at us and we can't get her out of her room. What do we do?"

I sighed. "Well, that depends on what you did. Try sending Bucky in to talk to her."


"Trust me." Grandma came out of the kitchen with a mug and a plate of cake. "Look, I have to go. Goodbye." I hung up before he could say anything else. "Grandma, I just wanted coffee."

"You're too thin. It's not good for you."

"Grandma, I have to stay thin for my job. Makes it easier for me to survive." I brushed my hair out of my face. "Now onto the reason I'm here: you told me I was a sick kid. I wasn't a sick kid, I was a fucking science experiment!"

"Language, young lady!" She scolded me. "And, yes, I did lie to you. But it was because I was terrified. Terrified of your mother, terrified for you. Does she still work for that place? The one named after the Greek monster?"

I nodded. "HYDRA," I spat. "She runs it now. Wants me to join her." I took a sip of the strong coffee. "There's no way that's ever gonna happen." Grandma nodded sympathetically. "And, you know, both of my closest friends are getting married in the near future and I don't even have a significant other so I'm living vicariously." I groaned and took a bite of the tiramisu. "Also my hair is turning white and we have no idea why and it's freaking me out."

"Well, I can help with some of that. Your hair is turning white from the stress being put on your mind every time you use your... abilities," she said with disgust. "And you shouldn't join HYDRA. Your job is fighting them right?" I nodded. "And I know a nice boy you might like."

"Mmm, yeah, I think I'll be fine." I felt my phone go off again. I rolled my eyes and pulled it out of my pocket. "Hi, Steve."

"Uh, so, Kate threw a really big book at Tony's head and we have no idea what he did."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Alright, uh, offer her snacks. Use the emergency French toast I keep in the freezer. And get M&M's. And bathbombs. Then leave her alone."

"You sure?"

"Steven, we were roommates for how many years?"

"Okay, true. Thanks, Mon. See you Tuesday."

"Alright, bye."

"What was that?" Grandma asked.

I sighed. "My coworkers made my friend mad. It'll be fine. I'm gonna go shower," I said, grabbing my toiletries bag.

- - -

I came out of the bathroom in my sports bra, not realizing my grandmother isn't used to all the scars on my body. I walked into the living room to throw a shirt on and I heard her gasp. I spun around, hands reaching from my waist before I realized I didn't have my weapons on me. I sighed.

"Monica, what happened to you?"

"Uh, which mark?" I asked.

"All of them!"

"Uhhh, various missions?" I laughed nervously. "It's fine, really. We have some of the world's best doctors on call."

She huffed. "Fine. But please be careful, sweetheart."

"I will, I will."

- - -

"Okay, 'bye, Grandma! I love you!" I said as I walked out of the apartment.

"Call me when you get home and safe!"

"I will." I walked down to the ground floor, balancing food in one hand and my stuff in the other. I threw my stuff onto the passengers seat before driving back to the compound. I walked in and almost screamed.

HeartlessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora