Chapter 26

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Katherine's POV (A/N: SURPRISE!!!!)

"What?" I yelled. "You just let her go?"

"I couldn't stop her if I tried." Clint had just told us that Monica ran away.

"Why would she suddenly leave?" Steve asked.

"She said something about not being a real Avenger."

"Well, that's just crazy. Of course she's a real Avenger," Tony said.

"Yeah, but apparently she felt otherwise. Where would she have gone?" Clint asked.

"The tower?" Steve suggested.

"No, don't be ridiculous. She's not that stupid." Nat said. 

"But maybe she did," I said. "She left her bag at the tower. She probably went to get it before going to her safehouse."

"Wait, what bag? What safehouse?" Tony said.

"You're right," Steve said. "She was probably gonna go into hiding as Eva."

"Clint, how could she have gotten?" Nat asked.

"Wait, who's Eva? What are you talking about?"

"Tony, shut up, we're busy," I said. 

"She could have gotten into town-"

"Where she could have hopped on a bus." I finished. 

"And Ultron could have grabbed her." Steve said. "Alright, we have the why, the when, and possibly the where. What we don't know is if she's safe."

"Well, we have to go find her." I got up and started for the door. 

Steve caught the back of my shirt. "Wait, Kate. We need to think this through."

"I did think it through. I thought what if Ultron is torturing her."

"What if she gives away the farm's location to save herself?" Tony said.

"No, she wouldn't do that. Not if children are at risk." Nat said. "She'd die before she let Clint's kids be in harm's way." 

"Would she though? She has a habit of self-preservation." Tony said.

"Yes, Stark, we're sure," I snapped. "She wouldn't put Lila, Cooper, and Laura in danger. Trust me."

"She's a tricky one, though," Bruce said. "Are we 100% sure she wouldn't betray us?"

"Oh, my god, Bruce. Yes, we're sure. If we keep talking and stalling, we'll lose her. Either Ulron will take her or she'll make it to her safehouse in, where did she say? Pennsylvania?" I said. "We have to go now."

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