Chapter 6

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We got back to HQ around two AM the next morning. I flipped face first onto my bed and fell asleep instantly. I was rudely awoken at six by my alarm. The beeping was like daggers to my ears. I slapped the snooze and groaned. I had forgotten to wash my makeup off. I reached for my phone. The brightness was blinding and I turned it down. Cass had sent me a message.

Morning, beautiful

Morning Cass

I pulled myself off of my bed and threw my phone onto my bed. I went into the bathroom and turned on the tap. I washed my face, the mascara smeared. My phone bleeped with a text message and I went over to my dresser. I pulled out a black tank top and a pair of jeans. I pulled my hair up in a high ponytail. I grabbed my phone and a few of my weapons before heading to the practice range. As I was walking, I checked my messages.

Want to meet up sometime today?

Sure, what time?


I opened the door and stepped inside the training area. Luckily, it was still empty. I typed an answer and put on my music playlist. The first song to come on was Centuries by Fall Out Boy. I grabbed my gun and twirled it on my finger before turning the safety off.

"Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold but you will remember me, for centuries," I sang quietly, aiming at the target. After that song was over, I heard the door open. Dead! by My Chemical Romance came on, and I quickly paused it, not wanting to be judged for my taste in music.

"That was an interesting song," Rogers said.

I sighed. "What are you doing here?"

He smiled, "I was getting breakfast before coming back. I see I'm going to have a workout buddy."

I internally cringed. "Never say that again." I plugged my earbuds in and resumed my music, going back to shooting targets. Rogers grabbed a few punching bags and walked to another area. At about ten, I stopped my music and packed up.

"Leaving already, workout buddy?" Rogers chuckled.

"I told you never to say that again, Rogers."

"Call me Steve," he said, extending a hand.

"Monica," I said, shaking his hand. When I let go, I checked my phone.

"So, where are you off to?" he asked.

"I have a lunch date," I replied, walking towards the door.

"Well, have fun," Steve said, going back to his punching bag.


I arrived at the diner about fifteen minutes early. We had decided on going to a small diner a few streets away from the cafe. Being in D.C., there's enough public transportation that I didn't have to ask to borrow a car. I sat on a bench outside, waiting for Cassidy.

When she finally arrived, she was wearing a red tank top and a blue skirt with an argyle print. Her makeup was flawless and I felt myself staring. I looked down and heard her laugh.

"I didn't really expect you to show up, let alone be early," she said.

"Well, I was excited. This is my first date in over 3 years."

She let out a low whistle. "Were you just that unpopular?"

"I wasn't... ready to move on." I replied slowly. "Anyway, let's go in."

We went in the diner and found a table in the back. I slid into the booth and felt my phone go off. I turned it on silent.

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