Chapter 27

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Monica's POV

I spat blood onto the floor. My arms had been tied down by the third blow, when I raised them to shield my face.

"Is that the worst you got?" I taunted Ultron.

"How is your pain tolerance this high?" He said. "Anyone else would have cracked."

I laughed. "You obviously don't know me like you think. I'm not a traitor. I'm looking out for my own life. If I chose your side, I'd meet a worse fate when you're defeated."

"I won't be defeated. I'll bring justice and peace to the world."

"You're a mistake." He punched my cheek. I spit the blood out. "If you're not a mistake, then why are the Avengers trying to stop you? You don't stop mistakes."

He glared at me. "Keep an eye on her. I'm going to go check... something." And with that, he left.

The girl ran towards me. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Pietro, get me a rag." The boy sped off. "If I would have know he would do this... Thank you, Pietro." She took the damp rag and gently started wiping the blood off my face. I flinched.

"So, what did Stark do to you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Please, the people who try killing him always have some grudge against him. What's yours?"

"He killed our parents," the boy, Pietro, said.

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