Chapter 46

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I looked at Steve. "You sure? Can I use my knives?"

"Monica, we don't want to kill anyone. They're our friends."

"I don't know about that. I mean..."

"Monica, hand to hand only."


Then we charged at each other. I decided to go for the kid. Kate was close behind me.

"Monica, be careful with him!"

"Nope!" I leaped up onto the platform he was standing on. "So, you wanna be an avenger?"

"I mean yea-"

I judo flipped him, pinning him down. "Lesson 1: don't take my stuff. Ever." I flipped off the platform and landed next to Steve. "Where's Barnes?"

"Fighting T'Challa. Why?"

"Okay thanks!" I jogged over to Barnes.

"I didn't kill your father," Barnes told the Wakandan king.

"Then why did you run?"

"Barnes!" I yelled, hoping to distract both men. It worked. They both looked up. I grabbed Barnes' hand and pulled him along.

"Where are we going?"

"We need to get to the plane. Kate!"

"What?" Katherine called back, not taking her eyes off her opponent, Nat.

"We need to get to the jet! Let's go!"

"Hey, knife chic!" Lang called, running up to me with Clint.

"Knife chic? Alright. What?"

"We have an idea," Clint said. "It'll disable Tony for a little bit. I just wanted to check with you that it's not completely stupid and doomed to fail."

"Alright, shoot."

"Well," Lang said, "I was gonna shrink down and hang on to an arrow while Arrow Guy shoots it into that guy's suit."

"I mean, alright. It sounds plausible. Just don't break FRIDAY." And with that, I jogged off, pulling Barnes with me. "STEVE!"

He was fighting the kid. "You got heart, kid where you from?"

I rolled my eyes and turned to Barnes. "Stay here and hold your own. I'm gonna stop Captain Stupid from breaking the child."

"Queens," the kid said.

"Brooklyn," Steve said, flinging his shield at the kid. I sighed.

"Steve," I stressed.

"We gotta go," Barnes said, walking up behind me. "That guy's probably in Siberia by now."

"I'm gonna draw all the fliers. I'll take Vision. You get to the jet," Steve told us.

"What? No, Steve, you two go. Get to Siberia. The rest of us aren't getting out of here. Go," I urged them.

"As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it," Clint said.

"He's right," Sam said. "This isn't the real fight, Steve."

"Alright, Sam, what's the plan?"

"We need a diversion, something big."

"I got nothing," I said.

"I got something kind of big," Lang said, "but I can't hold it very long. On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half..."

"What?!" Barnes and I asked.

"Don't come back for me," Lang finished.

"He's gonna tear himself in half?" Barnes asked, more to himself than anyone else.

"You sure about this, Scott?" Steve asked Lang.

"Yeah, I do it all the time. I mean once... in a lab. And I passed out." He pushed a button on his suit and started growing. "I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BEST!" he said as he grew.

"Was not expecting that," I muttered.

"I guess that's the signal," Steve said.

"WAY TO GO TICTAC!" Sam shouted. Lang grabbed Rhodey by the ankle.

"What do we do now?" I asked Kate. T'Challa jumped from the room and landed in front of Kate, Clint, and I. "Well, there's our answer."

"We haven't met yet," Clint said to T'Challa. "I'm Clint."

"I don't care," was all the Wakandan king said in reply. He ran past us, intent on catching Barnes.

"Alright, now what?" I sighed.

Then I heard the crash. I spun around and saw Lang laying on the ground.

"Not it!" Kate shouted.

I sighed and jogged over and crouched down next to him. "You alright, Lang?"

"Does anyone have orange slices?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "He's fine."

"I'm going after Rhodey," Sam said when I got back.

"Okay, be careful, man," I said, patting his shoulder. "We'll stay here. I think Rhodey, Stark, and Vision are the last ones." Sam nodded and took off.

"What now? We go after Tony?" Kate asked.

I shrugged. "Probably."

Then Rhodey was shot out of the sky.

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