Chapter 65

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The team was planning a surprise party for Steve's birthday. We were keeping it low profile and making Steve think it would just be one of Tony's big parties, using Independence Day as an excuse.

"So," I said to Bucky as we were sparring in the gym. "What kind of ice cream should we get?"

He flipped me onto my back. "I don't know, cookie dough?"

I kicked him off and jumped up. "Cool, thanks. Oh, we should get those popsicles that are red white and blue. What are they called...?"

While I was thinking, Bucky kicked my legs out from underneath me. "Fire Crackers?"

"That's it! Thanks, Buck!"

"No problem." He held his hand out for me. I grabbed it and he hauled me to my feet.

"So, Sam and I were gonna meet Stark in the lab to talk about the caterer."

"Because it's the last place he'd expect us to be. Very clever, Mon."

"Actually, Rhodes thought of it."

"I'll have to tell him. I'll be there in a bit. I want to change first."

"Yeah, I have something I need to do first, too." We went our separate ways and I snuck into Kate's room. I put a few rubber spiders on her bed and ran to do the same in Sam and Steve's rooms.

I sprinted to the lab and skidded to a halt. "Sorry I'm late," I apologized. "I lost track of time."

"That's alright, Mon," Tony said. "We were just about to go over the caterers."

I dragged a stool over. "Okay, What do we have?"

We spent the next hour and a half going over caterers and meals. When we decided, I looked over at the clock. "We should order a pizza. I don't feel like cooking anything."

"I guess," Tony said. "I'll go order it."

Kate looked at her phone. "I'm gonna go get my charger, I'll be right back."

Bucky and I looked at each other and smiled.

"What are you two doing?" Nat asked.

"We're in the middle of a prank war with Steve, Kate, and Sam. Care to join our side?"


"Okay, so I put fake spiders on their beds."

"How realistic?" She asked.

"Rubber ones."

"Nice." Then we heard Katherine scream. "Sounds like she found them."

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