Chapter 9

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I got stuck in traffic on the way back. I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel, my body shaking with anxiety. It took me an hour longer than usual to get back to HQ. When I got back, everyone looked at my car. I ignored the looks and hardened my emotions. I parked and hopped out of my car, skipping two steps at a time to get inside. Agent Hill was waiting by the doors.

"There you are, Agent Capello. Director Fury would like to see you in his office." I sighed, suddenly reminded of being called to the principal's office at school.

"Thank you, Agent Hill." I walked to Fury's office, my head held high. I heard the usual whispers, but I ignored them. Until I heard a new one.

"Look at her, I heard the only reason she finished at the academy so soon was because she's Fury's little sl-"

My knife was at the guy's throat before he could finish. "Go on, finish your sentence, see what happens." Fear was rampant in his eyes. I put a bit more pressure on the knife. "Say it," I hissed. "Say it and see what happens."

"Capello!" the director shouted. I pulled my knife away and tucked it in my shoe. I turned around and found Fury standing behind me.

"Director," I said respectfully.

"My office, now."

I followed behind him in silence, my feet dragging on the ground. When we got to his office, he closed the door.

"What the hell was that, Monica? Why did you go at him like that?"

Keeping my voice level, I said, "He questioned my right to be here. Was gonna call me a... a..." I couldn't say it. "So I struck back, proved I belong here. Now onto why you want me here. I have a-"

"A good reason why you weren't there? Look, I wanted you here so I could ask you to check on Dr. Banner."

I sighed. "Where is he?"

"Well, they were all at some shawarma place. We don't know where they went afterwards."

I pulled out my phone. "Rogers is in the gym, Stark is in the lab. It looks like Banner's there too."

"Monica, how do you know this?"

I showed him the phone tracking app I had open. "They don't know I have this."

"And we won't tell them." Fury winked. I opened the door and headed towards the lab. I checked my texts.

Cass: Hey what was that?

Cass: Monica

Cass: I need an explanation. You took off and left me confused.

Kate: meet me in the cafeteria

I sent a reply to Cass: I'm sorry, it was a work emergency. It's easier to explain in person.

I knocked on the doorframe to the lab. Stark looked up from whatever he was working on. "Ah, Monica, how are you?"

I walked in. "Fine. What about you two?"

"A little shaken up, but it could be worse," Banner said.

"Banner, how are you really?" I asked, grabbing a chair. He shrugged. "Well, I just thought I'd check up on you guys." I headed out the door.
"Wait, Monica," Stark said. "How did you know we were in here?"

"It's amazing what phones can do," I said as I walked out.

I walked to the cafeteria. I checked my phone. No reply from Cass. I sighed.

Katherine was sitting at a table with a box of pizza. As soon as she saw me. She jumped up and came towards me.
"You actually went on a date, how was it?"

The two of you sat down. I opened the box of pizza and took a slice. "Okay I guess." I took a bite. "We had lunch then went to the library. Then I checked my messages and we went to the bar so I could see a TV and find out what you meant. Then you were on the screen and I bolted."

"Sounds fun."

I groaned and smacked my head onto the table. "I probably messed it all up."

Steve came in. "Messed what up?"

"Nothing, Rogers." My voice was muffled by the table. Katherine elbowed me in the ribs. I sighed. "Well, I'm gonna go to the gym.

 I stood up and started for the door. I ran to my room and grabbed some workout clothes before going to the gym. I put my earbuds in and started going at a punching bag. I was angry at myself, disappointed that I probably blew it with Cass. I was so focused on what I was doing that I didn't head the door open. I didn't hear the person walking up behind me. I only knew it was too late when I felt the rag over my face.

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