Chapter 57

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I was halfway through the jar of Nutella, the memories still flowing through my mind.


"Come on, Mon!" T.J. begged. "Please?"

"No way!" Monica shrieked. "You know I don't trust boardwalk roller coasters!"

Harper jumped on her back. "Please? Please, please, please, please, please!"

Monica laughed. "Fine. But we're buying the picture!"

The three got on the roller coaster and had a fun time. When they got off, Monica's phone rang.


Harper and T.J. exchanged glances as Monica's face paled.

"Yes, Mom. Al-alright, thanks for telling me, I guess. Okay, Okay, bye." She turned to her friends. "Let's go get some food."

The trio walked along the boardwalk, stopping at an ice cream parlor.

"Yes, I'll have three scoops of mint chocolate chip in a cone, drizzled with hot fudge," Monica said to the woman behind the counter.

"Uh, Mon?" T.J. said. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it right now, Teej."

"Okay. Hey, wanna go play some carnival games?"

I heard a knock at the door. "Come in," I said, eating another spoonful of Nutella. Kate, Steve and Bucky walked in.

"Hey, Monica," Kate said softly.

I sighed. "Katherine, I'm not a wild animal that's easy to startle."

She flopped next to me on my bed and took the jar from me. "You're sharing. Anyway, we're worried."

Bucky sat on my other side. "Yeah, why can't I call you Mon? Nicknames are an essential part of friendship."

I scoffed. "Yeah, okay. But I'll just need to get used to hearing it again. The last person that called me that." I shook my head and took the Nutella from Kate, taking a spoonful.

"Right, not asking," Buck said. "So, I'm gonna go down to the gym. Steve?"

"Yep." The two supersoldiers walked out of the room Kate and I shared.

"Oh, god, he's so hot," I heard Kate whisper. I rolled my eyes. "Hey, you know those Which Avenger Should You Date quiz thingies?"


"We should do those."

"Oh, my gosh, yes."

Two minutes later, we were on our phones, taking Avengers quizzes.

"I got Night Siege," I said, laughing. "Apparently I should date myself."

"Hang on, I still have two more questions." About a minute later, she burst out laughing. "I got Captain America!" I joined in on her laughter as Steve walked in, drinking from a water bottle, a towel wrapped around his topless shoulders. "I should date Steve!"

He choked on the water. "What?"

Kate laughed, turning to him. "Look, Steve, I know I'm hot stuff, but I just don't think we would work out. Dating a coworker can end badly."

Steve's face scrunched up in confusion and Kate and I laughed harder.

"Well, I, uh, just stopped up to let you know we ordered pizza," Steve said before walking out.

"You have to admit," I whispered to Kate, "He does have a pretty nice butt."

"You're not wrong, Monica, you're not wrong."

We laughed some more and I said, "Wanna go grab pizza?"


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