Chapter 29

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We ran into Steve and the twins. Literally. Thankfully, Wanda stopped the bike before anyone got hurt. We jumped off.

"Thanks, Wanda. Steve, we need to get to the lab. Stark is convincing Banner to be Dr. Frankenstein."

Steve nodded solemnly. "Alright. Kate, can I borrow your bike?"

"Sure. But I'm gonna go with you. It's my baby."

Steve chuckled. "Okay." They hopped on the bike.

"Hey, what about me?" I asked.

"Go with Pietro and Wanda," Steve said. And then they took off.

"Wha- what did he mean?"

Wanda smiled. "Grab his other hand." I did as she said. His hands were a lot bigger than mine. He was also at least a head taller than me, which isn't exactly that surprising. Almost everyone is taller than me. His hair was in his eyes again. And then the world became blurred. Colors rushed passed us as Pietro ran. We caught up to Steve and Kate. Kate winked at me and I stuck my tongue out at her. We finally got to the lab.

"I'm only gonna say this once," Steve said.

"How about nonce?" Stark said.

"Shut it down!"

"Nope, not gonna happen."

"You don't know what you're doing."

"And you do? She's not in your head?" Banner snapped.

"I know you're angry," Wanda said calmly.

"Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade."

"Banner, after everything that's happened..." Steve began.

"No, Steve, let me handle this." I said. "Banner, Wanda and Pietro saved my life. If it weren't for them, I'd have been killed by your creation. And don't tell me it wasn't all your fault, because I know that. But if Wanda hadn't realized that Ultron was a maniac, I'd have been beaten to death. So, I trust them. You know how hard it is for me to trust. So can it."

"That's nothing compared to what's coming!" Stark said.

"You don't know what's in there!" Wanda said.

"Stark, this isn't a game..." Kate warned. "So, I suggest putting your ego aside for two goddamn minutes and think about what you're doing."

"That creature..." Wanda began.

Pietro sped to the equipment and destroyed it. "No, no, go on, you were saying?"

Then, a bullet was shot through the glass Pietro was standing on and he fell. "What? You didn't see that coming?" Barton said. I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose.

Banner turned to Wanda. "Go ahead. Piss me off." Thor suddenly came in and pounded the Cradle with his hammer, bringing the creature to life. "Wait!" Banner yelled.

"I'm sorry," the creature said. It had JARVIS's voice. "That was... odd. Thank you," it said to Thor.

"Thor, you helped create this?" Steve said, his face displaying betrayal.

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at it's center is that." He pointed to the gen in its head.

"What, the gem?" Banner asked.

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities."

"Then why would you..." Steve began.

"Because Stark is right."

"Oh, it's definitely the end of the world now," I said.

"The Avengers cannot defeat Ultron."

"Not alone," the thing said.

"Why does your "vision" sound like JARVIS?" Kate asked. "Because that's really bothering me."

"We...we reconfigured JARVIS' matrix to create something new."

"I think I've had my fill of new," Steve said.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" The 'Vision' said.

"You're not?"

"I'm not Ultron. I'm not JARVIS. I am... I am."

"I looked in your head and saw annihilation," Wanda said.

"Look again."

"Yeah, her seal of approval means jack to me," Clint said, crossing his arms.

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