Chapter 4

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Fury stuck me in the car with Rogers. I rested my hand on the gun next to me, a warning. He was constantly fidgeting, looking around at the city.

"A lot's changed, huh?" I decided to make the first effort to create a conversation. His eyes flitted up to mine quickly before going back to looking out the window.

He pointed at an electronic billboard. "What's that?"

"An advert for allergy medicine."

"That would have been nice in the forties," he grumbled to himself. He looked up at me. "What, no smirk, no smile?"

"I don't do emotions," I told him, twirling my knife around.

"I find that hard to believe," he crossed his arms and studied my face.

My cell phone bleeped, alerting me that we were at the entrance to HQ. I quickly typed in the password, very aware of Rogers watching me with amazement. My phone dinged and we continued to move.

The doors were opened and I slid out, followed by Rogers.

"Director Fury," I nodded to him as he walked up to us.

"Agent Capello. Captain Rogers. So glad you came with us willingly. I'm sure you have a bunch of questions, and if you would kindly follow Agent Capello, we can answer them." He nodded to me and I nodded back.

"This way please, Mr. Rogers," I said, leading him to the debriefing room. He followed behind me like an obedient puppy. I unlocked the door with my identification badge and held the door open.

"If you would kindly sit in the chair," I gestured to the metal chair across from a table, "we'll bring someone in to talk to you." I walked out, closing he automatically locking door behind me.

"Monica, you know I sent him with you because you wouldn't spare feeling," Fury said, slinking out of the corner. "You need to tell him what's happened over the passed 70 years."

I chewed the inside of my cheek, a habit I developed in 5th grade. "Alright. I'll go. But I won't be happy about it." I turned on my heel and walked back to the door.

"Monica, you're never happy about anything," Fury called behind me. I sighed and unlocked the door.

"Guess who's back," I said to Rogers. He looked at the door.

"Hello again. So, what did I miss?"
After I filled him in on all the important facts of the past several decades, the door opened again.

"THAT... WAS NOT... COOL!" Katherine panted, her hand clutching a side stitch.

I sighed. "Kate, what are you doing in here?"

"THAT WAS NOT COOL, ROGERS!" she yelled after catching her breath.

Rogers laughed and said, "Sorry about that. I must have made your job much harder."

"Yes, yes, now back to business. There are a lot of cultural changes you missed as well." I pulled a small notebook out of my jacket. "There are already a few things written in here for you to research. We will have a technology expert teach you how to use a computer and smartphone. We will also work on getting you clothes other than that," I said, gesturing to his uniform.

"And I can lead you to your quarters," Katherine added.

"Yes, well, as long as you don't keep yelling at him," I told her.

"Okay, okay, I won't yell at him anymore."


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