Chapter 30

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I grabbed some knives and a gun, storing the extra bullets in my jacket pockets. Katherine did the same. Clint was gathering arrows and Steve was brooding in the corner. I walked over to him and nudged his shoulder.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked.

Steve waved me off. "Nothing, I'm fine."

"No way we all get through this. If even one tin soldier is left standing, we've lost. It's gonna be blood on the floor," Tony said after loading FRIDAY into his suit.

"I got no plans tomorrow night," Steve said.

"Steven!" I smacked his arm. Hard.

"Okay, oww. What was that for?"

I glared at him. "You literally just said you'd be fine with dying. And that's not okay."

He shrugged. "I don't see the problem." I smacked him in the back of the head. "Ow," he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Let's go help the evacuation. And not beat Steve to death," Kate said, gently steering me away from Steve. We went down into the city and helped Wanda with the evacuation. At some point, Stark flew off.

When the ground started shaking, we started yelling at the citizens to run and get out. We helped usher children and elderly people to safety before things got too bad.

"Cap, you got incoming," Stark said over the comms.

"Incoming already came in. Stark, you worry about bringing the city back down safely. The rest of us have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off," Steve said.

"Good strategy, Rogers," I said. "Hey, where are the twins?" Kate and I jogged off to where we saw Clint heading.

"How could i let this happen?" Wanda said. She started breaking down and crying.

"Hey, hey, you okay?" Clint asked.

"This is all our fault," she whispered.

"Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know, cause the city is flying. Okay, look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there because it's my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good, I'll send your brother to come find you, but if you step out that door, you're an-"

"Clint!" Katherine scolded. His head snapped around to see her. "We've talked about this. Remember the pigeon incident?"

"But it had potential!"

"Clint it was a disease-ridden bird!" Katherine snapped.

"Hey, at least they're people this time, Kate," I said.

"True," she said. "Alright, you two, you walk out the door, you're Avengers." Wanda just looked at us.

"Alright, good chat," Clint said. He got ready to leave but said, "Yeah, the city's flying."

"Okay, let's go, there's still people in the city," I said, flicking my knives into my hands.

"Wait," Pietro said before I left.

I turned around. "Wha-"

I was cut off as his lips pressed against mine. He sped off and I brought my fingers up to my lips. I stood frozen for a while. Did he really just-

"Monica!" Katherine said, snapping in front of my face.

"What?" I asked, retuning to reality.

"Let's go."

The rest of the battle was a blur. Until Pietro jumped in front of a bullet for Clint.

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