Chapter 70

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"Monica, what's wrong?" Steve asked from the doorway.

"Get in here and see for yourself!" Kate answered for me.

Steve walked in. His jaw dropped. "Thor?"

The god smiled. "Hello, Captain Rogers."

Tony walked in next. "Bruce!" He ran over to his friend and wrapped him in a hug. "Where were you?"

"Yeah, Banner," I said, crossing my arms. "Where were you the past however many years it's been?"


"Mr. Stark, where do you want these bags?" Peter asked. We had stopped at the grocery store on the way back and had Peter carry the stuff in.

"Just put them in on the counter."


"Thanks, son." Tony froze.

"I did not know you had a son," Thor said.

"He's not my- I don't have a- I never said-"

"You said he was your son."

"No, I didn't."

"Yes, you did."

Peter and the rest of us stood there in awkward silence while Tony and Thor went back and forth.

"Well, that's all good and all, but there's stuff that goes in the freezer. I'm gonna go put it away," I said, slowly backing out of the room.

"Yeah, and I have to meet up with Evan, so, see ya," Kate waved, walking out the door. I shook my head.

- - -

Katherine walked in the front door about two hours later. I knew immediately that something was wrong. Her shoulders were slumped and her eyes were red and puffy.

"What happened? Whose ass do I need to kick?" I asked, leading her over to the couch.

"That jerk! Who does he think he is, cheating on me!"

I bit the inside of my cheek. I so wanted to say I told you so, but it seemed like the wrong time.

"Who dared hurt the friend of the heir to the Asgardian throne?" Thor demanded.

"It was Evan, wasn't it?" I asked. It was more of a rhetorical question than an actual one. Kate nodded and Wanda went into the kitchen. She returned with a gallon of cookie dough ice cream and a spoon. Kate took it with a small smile.

Bucky and Steve exchanged a dark look. "Where is he?" Bucky asked, his voice almost a growl. He clenched his metal fist. "We'll kill him."

"Um, no killing, Buck," I said. "We'd never hear the end of it from the press."

"Where does he live?" Tony demanded. "I'll evict his ass, demolish the building then build you a library."

"That's actually a really good idea, Tony," I said.

"No," Kate said. "That's too far. Just let it go."

"Kate, he cheated on you. We need to show people what happens when you mess with an Avenger's heart," Nat said. "I volunteer myself to kick him in the nuts for you."

"And I'll go with her," I said. "He's gonna learn what happens when Monica Capello gets angry." I grabbed my bag off the counter and Nat and I marched out the door. "Wait, we don't have his address."

Nat typed something quickly on her phone. "Got it. Let's go."

We walked over several streets until we reached a large colonial house. Nat and I exchanged a look that said, "still lives with parents, doesn't he?"

We knocked on the front door and a blonde girl with fake boobs and awful makeup answered the door in a blue tube tops and a miniskirt. "Who are you?" she asked, chewing gum loudly.

I glared at her. "We're here to speak to Evan."

"Babe," she called into the house. "Two girls are here to see you!"

The jerk jogged over to the door. "Oh, you two look familiar. Have we met?"

Nat and I looked at each other before she kicked him in the dick and I punched him in the face.

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