Chapter 62

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Sam's POV

So she brought Barnes into this. Alright, two can play at that game.

"Hey, Cap, Pavone!" I called to the two as they were eating cereal the next morning.

"Hey, Sam. What's up?" Katherine asked.

"You guys wanna help me get back at Monica?"

"Sign me up," Katherine said. "C'mon, Stevo, it'll be fun!"

Steve sighed. "As long as we don't take things too far."

I rolled my eyes at Captain Perfect. "Okay, well, Monica and Barnes are in the gym. Katherine, you go get the hose and bring it to the bathroom. Feed it through the window. I'll be on the other side. Cap, you go distract them. We'll give you a signal when you need to get out of the area. Alright, go!"

We ran our separate directions and I ran to the bathroom by the gym. About five minutes later, there was tapping on the window. I opened it to see the end of the hose. I started gently pulling it through.

When I got to the other end, Katherine whispered, "Okay, now I'm gonna go around and sneak in. I'll give Steve the signal."

Katherine and Steve joined me in the bathroom shortly after. "Ready?" I asked them. They nodded and Steve walked over to the sink. Kate and I aimed the hose at Barnes and Monica. Steve turned the faucet on and we drenched Capello and her partner.

"Okay, run!" I shouted to my team.

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